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Jonas Brothers to Add Youngest Brother as Drummer?

The latest tweens craze, Jonas Brothers, may no longer be a trio. The band comprising of Joe, Nick and Kevin Jonas have revealed that there is a plan to groom their other brother, Frankie who as for 2008 turns 7-year-old, to be one of the band members.

Frankie, in fact has been taking experience from his older brothers by tagging along in their tour bus. "It's the three of us (on tour), plus our mom, dad and our seven-year-old brother Frankie," Nick said. "We call him the Bonus Jonas, and he's awesome. One day, he might join the band." According to, the plan is to put Frankie as the drummer, a role that is occasionally taken by Nick.

On other news, Disney Channel will on Monday, April 14 broadcast a show called "Jonas Brothers in Concert" that chronicles their NYC show earlier this year. The concert includes sets taken from their self-titled release that they performed there.


  Jonas Brothers可能不再是三個人的團體,他們可能計畫將他們的弟弟Frankie(在2008即將滿7歲)加入樂團。
  事實上,Frankie透過追隨三位哥哥的tour bus上累積許多經驗;Nick透露:「除了我們三位外,mom and dad,當然還有Frankie都會陪著我們四處演唱;他被稱為"Bonus Jonas",也非常的有才華,或許有一天,他會加入我們的團隊。」根據。而他的角色則是Nick有時後擔任的角色,鼓手。
  另外一則新聞,迪士尼頻道,將在4/14(星期一)撥出"Jonas Brothers in Concert",內容為他們去年NYC裡的演唱,包括同名專輯裡的演出。 

另外,以下是Nielsen SoundScan4月1日統計的銷售量,
* "It's About Time" (2006),
sold 65,000

* "Jonas Brothers" (2007),
sold 1.1 million

數據來源:Nielsen SoundScan


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