Miley Cyrus On Track To Become A Billionaire; Jonas Brothers Also Rank Among Richest Teens: Report
New People list includes Zac Efron, Daniel Radcliffe and Dakota Fanning.
Some people are born into money, some luck into it, and then there's Miley Cyrus. According to the new issue of People magazine, the "Hannah Montana" star — who recently was the subject of a racy-photo scandal — is on track to rack up $1 billion in "Montana"-related sales during the 2007-08 fiscal year, putting her at the top of the heap of teen superstars earning adult-style wages.
But despite the $17.5 million she's expected to rake in from her sold-out tours (about $1 million a week from the estimated $50 million in tour grosses), the $65 million her concert movie brought in and a seven-figure book deal for her memoir, the 15-year-old — who topped the teens two weeks ago on Parade magazine's "What People Earn" list — isn't likely to go on a shopping spree anytime soon.
Her mother told the magazine that much of the earnings go to an investment fund the singer/actress can't touch until she turns 18. "At the end of the day, she doesn't have much left," Tish Cyrus said of her daughter's walking-around money. One thing Miley does have her eye on? A vintage Corvette once she's old enough to drive. For now, though, she collects old-school Electra bicycles.
Other kids on the list splurged more, like the Jonas Brothers, who used some of the $12 million haul from their tour with Cyrus, album sales, merchandise and appearances to buy new computers and a diamond-encrusted Chopard watch for their mom. Brother Nick, 15, also has a passion for shoes, dropping $1,550 on a pair by John Lobb, though the brothers do give 10 percent of their earnings to his charity, the Change for the Children Foundation. Some stars are on a tighter leash, like Oscar-nominated "Little Miss Sunshine" star Abigail Breslin, 12, who gets a weekly $11 allowance, despite pulling down $2 million a movie. What does she spend her money on? American Girl dolls and, of course, Jonas Brothers CDs.
Things aren't quite as tight for "Ugly Betty" star Mark Indelicato, 13, who gets a whopping $50 a week to spend on computer games and clothes (and Kiehl's and Clarins skin-care products to avoid breakouts), a drop in the bucket compared to his $460,000 annual salary on the hit show.
Other moneymaking teens on the list include "Two and a Half Men" star Angus T. Jones, 14, and "Everybody Hates Chris" star Tyler James Williams, 15, who both bank $1.2 million per season on their hit sitcoms. Precocious "War of the Worlds" star Dakota Fanning, 14, can get as much as $4 million for her big studio pictures, but does not get an allowance at all because, as she told Barbara Walters, "My [parents] want me to [help] because I want to."
Some graduates of the teen machine aren't doing too bad, either. According to the magazine, the three "Harry Potter" series stars are rolling in dough, with headliner Daniel Radcliffe, 18, expected to earn $50 million from the final three films, and Emma Watson, 18, and Rupert Grint, 19, each getting $4 million per "Potter" film. "High School Musical" has been good to Vanessa Hudgens, 19, and Zac Efron, 20. Hudgens banked $2 million in 2006, in addition to securing a number of major endorsement deals, and Efron was paid $3 million for the third "HSM" movie.
Then there are the kids who were born into it, like Microsoft founder Bill Gates' three tykes, 12-year-old Jennifer, 8-year-old Rory and 5-year-old Phoebe, who are the heirs to a reported $58 billion fortune, and "Star Wars" creator George Lucas' teenage son Jett and his two older siblings, who will share their dad's $3.9 billion empire.
有些人出生於富有家庭;有人則是靠其運是賺進一打把的鈔票,這人便是Miley Cyrus。根據《People Magazine》的最新發布,Hannah Montana的演員,Miley最近不僅登上racy-photo scandal的主題外,也在07-08年「夢漢娜」爆紅之下,賺進近10億的相關產品,將她擠身進入青少年賺大錢的頂端。
僅關她的演唱會門票預計讓他賺進1千7百50萬(大概是一個禮拜賺進一百萬,演唱會的總額估計也有5千萬),總計約6千5百萬;此外她也出版了7本關於夢漢納的專題。這15歲的女孩已經超越了兩個星期前在Parade Magazine的"What People Earn"名單。
其他的青少年則更揮霍,像Jonas Brothers,他們在與Miley巡迴演唱及專輯、相關產品販售。也一把賺進近1千2百萬的總額。他們也用此買了數台新電腦及鑲?的Chopard錶給母親,這些都還只是冰山一角。Nick(15歲)對鞋子(by John Lobb)情有獨鍾。每雙約砸下1550的價碼;此外,他們也將他們所賺的10%捐贈給關懷小孩的慈善機構(附圖)。有些小孩的錢則被束縛注,例如:奧斯卡提名的「Little Miss Sunshine(中譯:陽光小小姐)」的演員Abigail Breslin(12歲),儘管在電影裡賺進2百萬,每個禮拜的零用錢卻只有11塊錢,她都將錢花在哪呢?除了洋娃娃上,還有……?沒錯!Jonas Brothers的CD上!
「Ugly Betty(中譯:醜女貝蒂)」的演員Mark Indelicato(13歲),零用錢並不被束縛,每隔禮拜都花近50元在遊戲及衣服上,這股落差在跟他每年所得46萬的比較之下,是滿大的。
其他在名單上的包刮「Two and a Half Men」的演員Angus T. Jones(14歲)和「Everybody Hates Chris」的演員Tyler James Williams(15歲),每4個月(1季)都在銀行存了1百20萬,透過他們在電視喜劇演出的成功之下。直得欽佩的是「War of the Worlds」的演員Dakota Fanning,在其錄音室裡賺近4百萬的金額,卻不拿任何零用錢,如同她告訴Barbara Walters的,「我的"父母"希望我去"幫助他人",我也想要如此。」
其他剛成年不久的成年表現則不像青年時突出,根據雜誌報導,演出「哈莉波特」的三位主角,Daniel Radcliffe(18歲)預計在剩下的三部電影大撈5千萬。Emma Watson(18歲)及Rupert Grint(19歲)每一部都賺進4百萬。「歌舞青春」的成功也讓Vanessa Hudgens(19歲)和Zac Efron(20歲)致富。Vanessa在2006在銀行存了2百萬,及其他保證財產的條款,Zac也在為HSM3的演出,賺進3百萬。
另外,有些小孩則是出身富家,如微軟創辦人Bill Gate的三個小孩,Jennifer(13歲),Rory(8歲),Phoebe(5歲)未來都將繼承約5百80億的財產。「星際大戰」的製作George Lucas的小孩Jett及另外2位兄弟,都將分享其父親30億9千萬的總額。