


Describe the Jonas brothers in five words…
Fun, energetic, positive, rock and roll!

How did making music go from an idea in your head to becoming HUGE Disney stars?
It all happened when we first played in front of an audience and saw the fans’ reaction, we knew this is where we were meant to be. There’s not a feeling quite like it!

Schmooze us - why will we heart your music?
We feel that we have some classic British rock influences in our music and we always put in 100% to every show - you won’t be disappointed!

What’s your fave tune from the album?
Joe - “Still in Love with You” because it’s a great love story.

Nick - “SOS” because I was really able to take an experience that happened to me and write a song out of it.

Kevin - “SOS” it’s just so much fun to play.

How much input did you have in your album? Do you write songs?
We write our songs and love to help and have input on the production aspect of the songs as well. Our music is very important to us.

What would a Jonas Brothers soundtrack sound like?
“Yesterday” - The Beatles, “I Don’t Want to go to Chelsea” - Elvis Costello, “Kiss” - Prince. “Unchained” - Johnny Cash, “Purple Haze” - Jimmy Hendrix.

What’s your motto for life?
“…Live like you’re at the bottom, even if you’re at the top…”

What’s the key to your success?
The awesome connection we have with our fans!

I hear you guys wear purity rings, we don’t have them over here in the UK – tell us all about them…
It’s a promise to us, our parents & God that we’ll stay pure till marriage.

What’s the coolest thing about being muso-boys?
That we get to play rock & roll music for a job, it’s the best thing.

What’s a typical day in the life of The Jonas Brothers right now?
We wake up early, do radio interviews, then some more interviews either in person or over the phone, then a meet & greet with fans, then sound check & then play a show! We then drive to the next city & do it all over again!

What advice would you give to would-be music makers?
Keep up the hard work and keep on practicing. The music business is hard and lots of work, but it’s worth every minute of it!

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    Jonas Brothers★強納斯兄弟≡Taiwan Blog

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