
轉載註明:§Jonas Brothers強納斯兄弟§


What The Jonas Brothers accomplish on their third album, "A Little Bit Longer" (Hollywood), is nearly impossible: Tweaking their songs enough to sound like upstanding pop-rock adults without losing the signature style that won them millions of Disney-loving fans in the first place.

So many teen heartthrobs have gotten the pop-star calculus wrong, moving too fast in one direction or not moving quickly enough. But Team Jonas gets everything just right on "A Little Bit Longer" and they manage it without relying on sappy ballads or trendy songwriting collaborators. Aside from the somber title track about Nick Jonas' diabetes diagnosis, the album is essentially one long pure pop buzz.

The first single, "Burnin' Up," does Maroon 5's faux-funk even better, with a better hook and a bouncier groove, while the latest single, "Tonight," is sleek, adrenalized good-time pop in the Fall Out Boy vein. Both are already Top 10 hits and they're not even the album's best tracks, which means the New Jersey trio is looking at a blockbuster year.


  Jonas Brothers最新發行的第三張專輯《A Little Bit Longer》廣受好評:整張專輯的pop-rock曲風不僅成熟,也不失它們自我應有的風格,這也使他們吸引了數百萬的fans。

  許多的團體都認為自身的快速竄紅或是知名度還沒到達頂端;但是Jonas Brothers的這張專輯《A Little Bit Longer》真誠的創作自己的音樂,不僅收錄感情氾濫的抒情曲以及與知名的作曲家合作;這晦暗的專輯名也是因為Nick的糖尿病寫的歌而決定,這張專輯,可以說是Jonas們真誠的情感流露。

  首支單曲「Burnin' Up」,除了引人豎耳注意的配樂,和更讓人快活的曲調,與魔力紅的funk色彩相比更甚;最新的這支單曲「Tonight」也就更膾炙人口了,讓Jonas的歌聲撼動你身體的每一血管!這兩首目前都已經明列Top 10 的熱門排行,然而,這還不是他們專輯裡面最棒的呢!由此可見,來自紐澤西的這三兄弟即將造成大轟動!

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