資料來源:[Shawn Johnson個人網頁]
才16歲的奧運好手Shawn Johnson,日前在北京奧運體操女子平衡木決賽奪金後,最近在他的個人網頁貼上他最近放進iPod聽的音樂。讓人到抽一口氣的是:他也是Jonas迷!:D
如果你不清楚Shawn Johnson是誰,且有興趣了解的話,請點此;當時奪金的消息點此。
“My favorite group is probably Rascal Flatts, but I like a lot of different kinds of music, especially music that inspires you. I think the soundtrack from the recent movie August Rush, is absolutely amazing.”
Click the links below to sample Shawn's playlist on iTunes. Keep checking back to see the latest music she's added to her iPod!
"Forever" by Chris Brown
"Summertime" by New Kids On The Block
"Burnin' Up" by The Jonas Brothers
"When I Grow Up" by The Pussycat Dolls
"Black and Gold" by Sam Sparro
"Breakin' Dishes" by Rihanna
"Pretty Girl" by Jarvis
"All Summer Long" by Kid Rock
"The World's Greatest" by R. Kelly