※轉載請註明:§Jonas Brothers強納斯兄弟§
資料來源:[GM YV]
Pop punk trio,The Jonas Brothers revealed on GMTV this morning that they face music competition in the future from Victoria and David Beckham's children!
Speaking on the breakfast TV station, the clean-cut pop stars admitted that Posh Spice told them that her sons want to follow in the footsteps of the Jonas boys and become the "Beckham Brothers".
"The whole entire family's amazing", said Kevin Jonas. "We got the honour to meet them at the Teen Choice Awards. And we met the boys and we took pictures with them - and Victoria said that the boys wanted to become the 'Beckham Brothers'. And so we were like, 'Yes!'"
"One of them can break-dance very well!" added Joe Jonas.
Brothers' success
Brothers Kevin, 20, Joe, 19 and Nick, 15, have broken all records as the first band to have three albums in the top ten of the USA's Billboard charts at the same time and their concerts sell out in a matter of minutes.
These US heart-throbs have over 700,000 myspace friends, 20 million profile views, 16 million plays and the video for S.O.S, which was their first UK single release, had over 17 million views on youtube.
The Jonas Brothers are also actors and their new film, Disney's Camp Rock, premieres at London's Royal Festival Hall on September 10th.
The boys are in London to win the hearts of British music fans and are set to cause a stir among teenage followers as they gear up for the launch of their new album, A Little Bit Longer, which is released later this month.
MTV mockery by Brand
Flamboyant comedian Russell Brand brought them into the limelight this week, when his mockery of their clean-cut Christian image while hosting the MTV Video Music Awards made the headlines. Sons of a pastor, the brothers wear 'purity rings' as a symbol of their abstinance from sex before marriage. The joker displayed a ring to the audience and hinted that he had 'won' it from one of the brothers backstage.
The Jonas story so far...
With musician parents, the brothers' childhood in New Jersey was inevitably musical.
The oldest, Kevin, who plays guitar and sings backing vocals, was poorly at home one day when he found a guitar and a "Teach Yourself Guitar" book lying around the house.
Nicholas, whose voice has been compared to that of Stevie Wonder, was "discovered" singing while getting his hair cut in a local barbershop. His voice caught the attention of a woman in the shop who immediately referred him to a professional showbiz manager.
Joseph's original plan, however, was slightly different than his brothers'. He first dreamed of becoming a comedian and wanted to audition for sketch comedy shows.
A family affair
Meanwhile, Daylight/Columbia Records, after hearing Nicholas' voice, began planning a solo record with him. Nicholas and his brothers began submitting songs that they'd written together with the intention of having them appear on Nicholas' solo album.
When the label became aware that Nicholas had musically talented siblings, a group performance was arranged. After a successful group audition was held for the label, the family direction was clear.
For the Jonas boys, the real fun began as they combined their musical abilities to write and record their debut album together, quickly realizing how lucky they were to have each other for both personal and professional inspiration.
For now the brothers are just relishing in the experience of having other people hear their music live and making new fans one city at a time while they are on the road.
Jonas Brothers v.s. Beckham Brothers
當紅青少年團體偶像Jonas Brothers在今天早上的GMTV節目中透露:「他們的音樂事業即將會遇到強勁的對手!而這個對手竟然是足球好手貝克漢,以及他的妻子Spice Girls(辣妹合唱團)的主唱維多利亞,兩人的孩子!」
Brother's succes
這三個美國當紅的搖滾巨星Myspace好友已超過一百萬名,瀏覽人次也到達兩千多萬;S.O.S.的線上紀錄也有一千六百萬的點播率以及Youtube的一千七百萬S.O.S. MV收看人次。
同時,這三兄弟也開始在電影界嶄露頭角,他們的原創迪士尼電影「Camp Rock˙搖滾夏令營」也在9月10號的London's Royal Festival Hall首映。
他們在倫敦得到熱烈的迴響,他們的最新專輯《A Little Bit Longer˙堅持到底》也準備在這個月底發行。
MTV mockery by Brand
知名喜劇演員Russell Brand在MTV的玩笑話,使他們成為這個禮拜的大眾焦點。當他開玩笑似的把他對他們手上的守貞戒的看法說出來時,MTV Video Music Awards的頭條就這樣出來了。因為父親是牧師的關係,使他們兄弟都帶著守貞戒,宣示在婚前禁止任何性行為;然而 Russell Brand卻認為他們不可能不食人間煙火,而開了玩笑。
The Jonas story so far...
年紀最長的Kevin負責吉他以及合音的部份;一次,當他一個人在家的時候,他發現一把吉他,以及一本Teach Yourself Guitar的自學本,便開始了他的吉他演唱生活。
Nicholas(Nick)的聲音可以說媲美Stevie Wonder。孩提時期,當他哼著歌前往附近理髮廳時,他那獨特迷人的聲音便被發現,便開始到百老匯演出。
A family affair
當Daylight/Columbia唱片公司聽到Nick天籟的聲音後,決定與他簽約;兩位哥哥也決定開始參與Nick的個人專輯,他們一起寫歌以及一起錄製這張個人專輯《Nicholas Jonas》。
之後,他們也發現他們三兄弟的音樂造詣都很棒,於是安排了他們組成這個團體「Jonas Brothers˙強納斯兄弟」。