※轉載請註明:§Jonas Brothers強納斯兄弟§
◆Exclusive Interview: Demi Lovato on Future Hopes, Jonas Brothers and 'Don't Forget'
Demi Lovato is the teen sensation dubbed the new 'it' girl of pop, and it's easy to see why. She has an album coming up shortly on September 23, a guest slot on Jonas Brothers' tour, and several TV movie projects under her belt.
AceShowbiz takes the honor of having her as the Artist of the Week and interviewing the starlet, peeling what she holds for the future, her experience as a teen idol as well as her relationship with the Jonas boys.
ASB: When did you know that you wanted a career in singing and acting?
Demi: When I did Barney at age 8.
ASB: Has the pressure of fame at such a young age taken any toll on you?
Demi: There are always going to be pressures but if you have good people around you, it makes it easier to handle.
ASB: What is the coolest part of being a teen idol?
Demi: Traveling the world and sharing it with my family.
ASB: With the success of "Camp Rock", do you plan to do another TV movie or move on with your own series?
Demi: Hopefully both!
ASB: How does it feel working with teen heartthrobs, the Jonas Brothers, knowing that many girls want to be in your position?
Demi: They are so awesome and so creative and it's an honor to work with them. I am lucky!
ASB: Do you find the ideal factors of a boyfriend in any of the Jonas Brothers?
Demi: They are all such good friends of mine that I don't look at them like that.
ASB: How important is a best friend like Selena Gomez to you?
Demi: Very important. She is my rock.
ASB: Whose songs do you usually listen to?
Demi: Paramore, Alive in Wild Paint, Family Force 5.
ASB: Touring with the Jonas Brothers, were there any interesting experiences that you went through?
Demi: My first big rock shows ever and facing thousands of fans each night. They helped me prepare and they supported me on the road when I needed them.
ASB: Tell us about your new album "Don't Forget". What sound and theme did you pick for it?
Demi: It's a mix of rock, pop, and fun.
ASB: Do you have any collaborations planned for the future?
Demi: A duet with the Jonas Brothers on my album and I hope to record a song with Selena soon.
ASB: If there's one thing you want to achieve but haven't yet, what would it be?
Demi: I would love to win a Grammy one day. I'd also like to sky dive and maybe have my own cereal one day!
◆獨家報導:Demi Lovato對未來的期許、Jonas Brothers以及Don't Forget
Demi Lovato是現今全美最紅的的pop女歌手,從他9月23日即將出發行的新專輯《Don't Forget》、Jonas Brothers演唱會的特別來賓以及一些影集的演出都可以看出他的知名度逐漸上升。
AceShowbiz有這個榮幸能夠獨家採訪到Demi,內容涉及他未來展望,以及與Jonas Brothers的相處。
ASB:對於Camp Rock的成功,你有計畫拍攝另外的電影或是進一步的拍攝你個人的影集?
ASB:關於與Jonas Brothers合作的感覺如何?外頭有一堆女孩們想要你現在的這個位置呢!
ASB:你男朋友的選擇因素,在Jonas Brothers裡面找的到嗎?
ASB:像Selena Gomez這種死黨,你能說明他多們重要嗎?
Demi:Paramore、Alive in Wild Paint以及Family Force 5。
ASB:與Jonas Brothers一起巡迴演唱,有體驗什麼有趣的經驗嗎?
Demi:對於面對每晚面對數千名粉絲的Rock Show,他們告訴我該如何準備以及總是在我需要他們的時候支持我。
ASB:能對我們說一些關於你即將出版的新專輯《Don't Forget》嗎?
Demi:在新專輯中,我已經與Jonas Brothers合唱過了,接下來則希望能夠與Selena合作。