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◆Jonas Brothers Playing Nerds in 'Lovebug' Music Video
Jonas Brothers are seen making nerd appearances in "Lovebug" music video. While his other two brothers don bright yellow and blue shirts, Joe Jonas on the other hand wears a dark brown sleeveless sweater and bookworm glasses.
Also joining them on the video set in San Pedro, California is beautiful actress Camilla Belle. Her appearance has made some strong speculation that she will play a cameo in the video.
In related news, the teen band confirm that they will hold a Los Angeles' special concert in addition to all the shows that they've been doing. The show will be held on November 14 to celebrate the launch of American Eagle Outfitter's new kids line, 77Kids. "We got together with 77kids by American Eagle to put on a show for fans around the world," says Nick Jonas. "We like to think of it as an all-access video pass. We'll see you in L.A. and online at 77kids.com!"
◆Jonas Brothers將在Lovebug裡飾演書呆子
在Live演唱及種種繁忙的行事曆裡,Jonas Brothers在這天要拍攝新專輯《A Little Bit Longer˙堅持到底》的第二支MV 〈Lovebug〉。Nick和Kevin穿著黃色及藍色的襯衫,Joe則是深咖啡色的背心以及一副書呆子眼鏡。
這次與他們一起入鏡的是加州的女演員Camilla Belle,他將在這支mv裡可串演出
根據最新消息,Jonas三兄弟證實他們接下來將會在洛杉磯開場演唱會,以及他們現在拍攝的show。在11月14號,這個show是為了慶祝American Eagle Outfitter的新kids line紀念,他們將與77位來自不同國家的小孩一起在show裡出現,詳情可以上77kids.com。