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◆Demi Lovato Addresses Rumors Of Jonas Brothers Romance, Miley Cyrus Feud
Actress also says she looks up to another Disney tween queen: Hilary Duff.



Demi Lovato promises she's never dated a Jonas. She recently sat down with Entertainment Weekly to clear up the rumors surrounding her these days. In the interview, she said that although she played Joe's love interest in "Camp Rock," in real life, she's nothing more than his tourmate and friend. A friend who, she admitted, she was stoked to share the screen with for her big breakthrough.

''Imagine being new to Disney, and your first big job is being the romantic interest of one of the biggest heartthrobs on the channel," she said. "Any girl that is a friend of the Jonas Brothers gets hate mail and is automatically suspected as a girlfriend.''

But just because she's worked with him — not only on "Camp Rock," but also on her debut album, Don't Forget — doesn't mean the two have ever rocked each other's camps in real life. ''Joe and I never dated. We're really good friends," she told the magazine. "I just think it's funny that people try to pin me to them. It's like, Oh, come on! I think [if I were going to], I would have dated one of them by now!"

On the other hand, Lovato is BFFs with Nick Jonas' rumored girlfriend du jour, fellow Disney gal Selena Gomez. The girls found themselves smack in the middle of a feud with the company's reigning queen bee, Miley Cyrus, earlier this year after the "Hannah Montana" star posted a YouTube video poking fun at the two ladies.

But, she insists, she didn't let the jab get to her. ''Um, I really don't know Miley that well. We didn't take offense or think it was a negative or a positive. It was just like, OK, cool, Hannah Montana knows who I am!'' she said, adding, "She gave me advice on publicity and making it big, and she was like, 'I hope you're very successful.' ''

Now, with "Camp Rock" on her résumé, a Jonas tour under her belt and Don't Forget out in stores, she says that she wants to follow the path of another Disney star, Lizzie McGuire herself, Hilary Duff. "[She] has stayed a really good role model,'' Lovato said. ''I mean, I'm sure she made mistakes, but you never saw them. I think it's really cool that someone can grow up and continue to be looked up to by young girls.''


◆Demi Lovato澄清與Jonas Brothers & Miley Cyrus的謠言

  Demi Lovato表示「他從來沒有跟任何一為Jonas Brothers約過會。」在前幾天,他受Entertainment Weekly採訪時,澄清了這個纏繞他幾天的謠言。訪問當中,他說:「儘管在Camp Rock中,他扮演的腳色是Joe的情人,但是在現實生活當中,他僅是Jonas Brothers的巡迴演唱伴隨藝人以及好朋友的身分,另外Joe也是一個使他在螢光幕裡有重大突破的朋友。」

  在迪士尼算是一個新人的他,而且第一次的演出就擔任Joe的夢中情人,關於於這點,他苦笑的說:「不論哪個女孩,只要是Jonas Brothers的朋友,多多少少也都會因為嫉妒心作祟,而被厭惡,而且,也會自動的被視為他們的女朋友。」

  正因為Demi與他們的合作不僅於是Camp Rock,也在他的首張專輯《Don't Forget》當中有作詞、合唱的交流,使的他更容易被誤會。Demi受雜誌訪問時說道:「Joe和我從來沒有約會過,我們真的只是很好的朋友。對於被針對為他們的女朋友這點,我認為很有趣;這就像:喔,少來了,如果我是你,我早就釣上他們其中一個當男朋友了!」

  另外一方面,Demi最好的朋友,Selena Gomez被大家認為是Nick的傳言女朋友,這使的他們(Demi和Selena)發現他們無意中被捲入與Disney小天后Miley的仇恨當中。

  然而,Demi並沒有受到太大的衝擊,他堅定的說:「我坦承我不是很了解Miley,但是,我們之間絕對沒有敵意或是是對方為討厭的想法。有點像是:『酷!Hannah Montana居然知道我是誰!』他給我許多在面對諸多媒體時的建議,這影響我甚大!我想,他是希望我走向成功的!並非大家所想的那樣。」

  隨著他在Camp Rock的演出,跟著Jonas Brothers一起巡迴演唱,首張個人專輯《Don't Fofget》的發行,據他透露,他的下一步,想跟隨另外一位迪士尼藝人Hilary Duff的風格;Demi說:「他保持了一個很好的形象,我的意思是:『雖然它有犯過錯,但你從來沒有親眼看過他的努力,我認為,一個人可以如此成長且一面保持年輕活力的樣貌真的很棒!』」

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