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◆Jonas Brothers Share Their Favorite Christmas Ornaments
November 18, 2008 04:19:02 GMT
Kevin Jonas, Joe Jonas, and Nick Jonas have a chit chat with People magazine, talking about their favorite Christmas ornaments. Beside the excerpt of their talk, the weekly publication also provides a behind the scene video of Jonas Brothers and their family during a photo shoot session.
As for Kevin, he shows off his "Baby Boy ornament" to People, claiming it as his tree accessory of choice, adding that it was "one of my first." The eldest of the brothers also says that decorating Christmas tree is serious business in the family, stating "It's a huge ordeal in our family to wrap the Christmas lights around the tree properly. My dad is kind of, you know, very, very particular."
Middle brother Joe, meanwhile, admits "Ever since I was little, that was the one I couldn't wait to put on the tree every year," when talking about his Lion King stuff. The other tradition in the family that becomes his favorite is wearing their pajamas inside out on Christmas morning. "We think if we wear them inside out, then it will snow," so he says.
Just like his two brothers, Nick also has his own favorite Christmas ornament, about which he reveals, "I love the ones I have from when I was in (a Broadway production of) A Christmas Carol, especially the Ghost of Christmas Past. Those are good memories for me." In addition to the threesome, their youngest brother Frankie, who is often called the Bonus Jonas, also shows his favorite one, which is a handcrafted ornament that he made in school.
Greater than their favorite Christmas ornaments, the Jonas boys and their family can't wait for the festivity to come as they have planned to celebrate the big day at their new Dallas home. Kevin, Joe, and Nick also can't wait helping their mother with her cookie-making, which is a "five-day event."
Behind the scenes video taped as the Jonas boys and their family talk to People about their treasured Christmas traditions can be watched on People's official site.
Kevin、Joe和Nick與People雜誌在最近的閒聊當中,聊到關於他們喜歡聖誕節的佈置,除了聊天外,他們還為提供了Jonas Brothers和他們家庭私底下生活的一些影片以及相片集。
就像他的兩個哥哥一樣,Nick當然也有他自己最喜歡的聖誕裝飾,據他透露:「我最喜歡當我小時候在百老匯錄製的聖誕珊瑚,特別是昔日的聖誕怪物。這些回憶對我來說都很棒。」另外除了他們三個以外,他們最小的弟弟,大家熟知的Bonus Jonas,Frankie,也告訴了大家他最喜歡的聖誕裝飾,哇,原來是他在學校親手做的裝飾品!
由People雜誌拍攝的Behind The Scene Video,請到People雜誌官網點閱,點此。