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◆Jonas Brothers Reportedly Invited to Perform in Barack Obama's Inaugural Ball



Jonas Brothers have reportedly been asked to make a live appearance at Barack Obama's  inaugural party. Beside them, "Hannah Montana" star Miley Cyrus is also rumored to have been invited to sing at the event.

If the rumor proves to be true, then they are expected to perform at a children's party on January 19 at the Verizon Center in Washington, D.C., one of the 10 official inaugural balls. Unfortunately, there has yet any statement addressing the issue.

Barack Obama's presidential inauguration itself will be held on January 20 beginning at 10 A.M. on the West Front of the Capitol. Opened by U.S. Marine band, the event will also feature performances from singer Aretha Franklin, violinist Itzhak Perlman, cellist Yo-Yo Ma, pianist Gabriela Montero and clarinetist Anthony McGill.

Previously, Jennifer Hudson was reported to be one of the musical guests at the ceremony. However, the rumor has been debunked as her publicist told Access Hollywood that "there is no truth" to the issue.

Elsewhere, Jonas Brothers  is also rumored to appear as a special guest in Jordin Sparks' charity performance in Phoenix, Arizona on February 20. The threesome previously teamed up with the "American Idol" champ on-stage during their live show dubbed "The Jonas Brothers + Friends", taking place at the Ryman Auditorium on January 5 in Nashville, Tennessee.


  據傳聞,Jonas Brothers被邀請到歐巴馬的就職典禮Party演唱。除了他們外,當紅Hannah Montana的女主角Miley Cyrus將到場一同慶祝。

  如果這謠言被證實是真的的話,那麼1月19號當天,所有的人必定都會期待他們在華盛頓Verizon中心的children party中表演,這只是十個就職舞會當中的一個。可惜的是,現在還沒有任何關於這些活動的聲明。

  巴洛克˙歐巴馬的就職典禮將會在一月二十號的早上十點,在美國國會大廈的南方臨海處舉行。由美國的海軍遊行揭開序幕,同時歌手Aretha Franklin、小提琴手Itzhak Perlman、名大提琴家馬友友、鋼琴家Gabriela Montero和單簧管手Anthony McGill都將會到場一同共襄盛舉。

  先前,Jennifer Hudson被謠傳為這場典禮的演唱賓客,然而,當他的發表人代表出面告訴Access Hollywood關於這項說法並非事實,真相才明瞭。

  另外,Jonas Brothers同樣也傳聞會擔任Jordin Sparks2月20號,在亞利桑那州慈善演唱會的特別嘉賓。在昨天(一月五號),這三位兄弟才與這位美國偶像的冠軍在田納西州的那什維爾一起開唱”Jonas Brothers + Friends ”的演唱會。


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