※轉載請註明:§Jonas Brothers強納斯兄弟§
恭喜JB贏得NRJ音樂大獎 - International Revelation of the Year。
The Jonas boys meanwhile were honored as International Revelation of the Year. Kevin Jonas, Joe Jonas and Nick Jonas won over other contenders such as Amy Macdonald, Duffy, Katy and Leona Lewis.
Jonas Brothers同時也榮耀地摘下「International Revelation of the Year」。Kevin、Joe和Nick Jonas擊退了Amy Macdonald、Duffy、Katy和Leona Lewis,成功地摘下此殊榮。
◆2009 NRJ Music Awards得獎名單
Francophone Revelation of the Year: Zaho
International Revelation of the Year: Jonas Brothers
Francophone Female Artist of the Year: Jenifer Bartoli
International Female Artist of the Year: Britney Spears
Francophone Male Artist of the Year: Christophe Mae
International Male Artist of the Year: Enrique Iglesias
Francophone Group/Duo of the Year: Cleopatre
International Group/Duo of the Year: The Pussycat Dolls
International Song of the Year: Rihanna's "Disturbia"
Francophone Album of the Year: Mylene Farmer's "Point de Suture"
International Album of the Year: Katy Perry's "One of the Boys"
Francophone Song of the Year: Christophe Mae's "Belle Demoiselle"
Music Video of the Year: Britney Spears' "Womanizer"
NRJ Award of Honor: Coldplay