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◆Jonas Brothers' Valentine's Day Dream Dates
February 02, 2009 04:54:02 GMT
Getting into the spirit of Valentine's Day, Kevin Jonas, Joe Jonas, and Nick Jonas share to M magazine their dream dates for the special occasion. They, moreover, also reveal how they come to such ideas for the holiday that celebrates love.
Kevin, the eldest of Jonas Brothers, doesn't mention exactly on what he is going to do this coming Valentine's. Yet, he recalls one of his favorite memories, telling M magazine, "I once surprised a girl with a steak dinner that I prepared. Then, I gave her her favorite chick-flick and we watched it together."
Joe, meanwhile, tells the publication that his Valentine's Day date would be perfect if a girl writes him a love letter. As for Nick, he thinks "the best thing a girl can do is let ME take her out for the night of her life."
Apparently, Kevin, Joe, and Nick get the ideas of those Valentine's Day dream dates from their mother. "Every year, we wake up to a box of our fave candy and a love note on the dining room table waiting for us!" Nick reveals.
Beside prepping themselves for the upcoming Valentine's Day, Jonas Brothers are also waiting in anticipation for the premiere of a music video promoting their single "BB Good", which is set to be debuted during Disney Channel's show "Night of Stars" on February 16 at around 8:20 P.M. After that, on February 27 the siblings will have their movie "Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience" debuted on U.S. theaters.
除了為即將到來的情人節作準備,他們也期待著大眾對他們即將推出的新單曲『BB Good』的反應,這支單曲將在2月16日晚間8:20於迪士尼頻道的Night of Stars秀首度亮相。之後,則是2月27日於美國戲院上映的3D電影。