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◆Four Clips and a Featurette From 'Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience'
February 17, 2009 04:11:40 GMT
原文/Original Article:
Several new clips and a production featurette of "Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience" have been made available. Most of the clips present a snippet of Jonas Brothers performing on stage, singing "Pushing Me Away", "S.O.S." and "Burnin' Up", while the featurette gives out what it's like being the musical trio while they are on tour and filming the 3-D movie.
One of the clips entitled "Cut to the Chase" displays the scene where Nick Jonas, Kevin Jonas and Joe Jonas make their way in between traffic while their screaming fans are chasing after them. Despite the urgency of escaping the mob, Joe and Nick still have time to stop and pose for some of their fans who are sitting inside some of the cars.
"Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience" will follow the band while promoting their third studio album "A Little Bit Longer" through their latest tour, "Burning Up", exposing the time they get on-stage as well as their life-on-the-road. It will also feature the shooting of the music video for their brand-new song "Love Is on Its Way". The sort-of-documentary film will also see Taylor Swift and Demi Lovato making cameo appearances.
◆JB 3D電影片段搶先看!
以下是Jonas Brothers即將上市3D電影的一些片段影片。這些影片是從3D電影當中擷錄下來的,像是演唱Pushing Me Away、S.O.S.以及Burnin' Up的片段,還有他們在巡迴演唱和拍攝3D電影期間,身為明星團體會遭遇到的種種。
其中一個片段,叫做『Cut to the Chase』,是Nick、Kevin和Joe在馬路上被身後瘋狂尖叫的粉絲們追逐的場景,儘管是非常急迫的追逐,Joe與Nick仍有時間停下來,對著坐在車內的粉絲們擺pose。
強納斯兄弟3D電影,是依據他們宣傳收錄於第三張專輯「A Little Bit Longer˙堅持到底」當中的Burnin' Up巡迴演唱時所一起拍攝的計畫,製作而成,除了拍攝巡迴演唱的盛況外,還加上他們旅途生活中的一切。同時,還收錄了從未曝光的曲目「Love Is on Its Way」,並且拍攝MV。在這部紀錄電影片當中,也會看見Taylor Swift和Demi Lovato克串演出的身影。