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◆Jonas Brothers in 'Good Morning America' During Theater Invasion
March 02, 2009 04:54:04 GMT
原文/Original Article:
While their new movie "Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience" is reeling at theaters across U.S., Jonas Brothers continue to promote it with TV appearances. The movie premieres on Friday, February 27 and on the next day, the three brothers, Nick Jonas, Kevin Jonas and Joe Jonas, visit "Good Morning America" for another boost of support.
During the taping, the brothers are seen in preparation for their theater invasion which has been announced earlier. "Well, we are doing some amazing things," Kevin explained. "We have joined partners with Marquis Jet and NetJets. Without them, we couldn't do this. But we are flying around the country and actually stopping in and saying hi to fans who are actually going to see the movie this weekend and you know, saying hello and just surprising them."
However, they told co-host Kate Snow that they couldn't reveal which theater they were heading to. It turned out later that day, they popped out at Palisades Mall in Nyack, N.Y. They had also been in theaters in Atlanta and Charlotte, N.C. and would visit several others.
Despite the heavy promotion, Jonas Brothers cannot lift up the movie to land at the top of North American Box Office chart. The movie grossed only 12.7 million dollars throughout the 3-day weekend, 2.3 million dollars shy of what the producers have expected. "Madea Goes to Jail" stands firm on its first place, grossing 16.5 million dollars.
◆JB 3D電影首映週末佔居美國票房TOP 2
當Jonas Brothers的3D電影如期的於全美各大戲院上映時,JB仍然上電視節目秀來宣傳他們的新電影。強納斯兄弟3D立體演唱會於2月27日上映,當天這三位兄弟也接受了『Good Morning America/早安美國』的訪問,以及宣傳。
在錄製的影片裡,可以發現,JB正在進行他們之前所說的「戲院驚喜行動」。kevin說道:「我們現在做的事可以說是非常瘋狂,很感謝Marquis Jet和NetJets(私人航空公司)與我們的合作,沒有他們,我們也無法完成這次活動。我們於美國境內上空各地飛行,停於幾個地方,與在這個週末支持我們電影的fans們說hi以及給予他們一個驚喜。」
同時,他們也告訴主持人Kate Snow,他們並不會透露他們即將前往的地去,在此次訪問之後,他們到了紐約Nyack的Palisades Mall以及北美Atlanta和Charlotte的戲院,他們將繼續到其他地區給予驚喜。
儘管這次的宣傳活動非常的多,Jonas Brothers的新電影並未於當週的北美票房奪冠。JB 3D立體演唱會電影於首映這三天,賺進了1270萬,比製作人原先預計的少了230萬,僅次於『Madea Goes to Jail/瑪蒂入獄(暫譯)』(台灣尚未上映),瑪蒂入獄以1650萬的成績,佔據當週票房冠軍。