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◆Jonas Brothers' New Series 'J.O.N.A.S!' Given Premiere Date
March 30, 2009 05:03:36 GMT


原文/Original Article:

Disney Channel have finally found a time slot for the premiere of "J.O.N.A.S!". The new original series by the mouse house has been given a new promo that reveals it debuting on May 2 at 8/7c. "We're brothers. We're a band. And now we're a show," the Jonas Brothers said. 

The synopsis for the series is read: "The Jonas Brothers seem to be your typical teen rock band hoping to make it to the big time. They travel the country in their rickety tour bus, performing shows, selling homemade CDs and meeting fans. What a life!" 

"What the fans don't know is that the Jonas Brothers are actually J.O.N.A.S. - Junior Operatives Networking as Spies - who, along with their secret agent dad, are under assignment from a super-secret government agency out to thwart evil - usually in the guise of Dr. Harvey Fleischman, a diabolical dentist out to take over the world's young adults." 

"However, thwarting evil and saving the world can be difficult when you're also going to high school, keeping their secret identity from Mom, and being stalked by Stella Malone, a teenage reporter working undercover who's trying to get the behind-the-scenes scoop on your up-and-coming band." 

Apart from the brothers, Joe Jonas, Nick Jonas and Kevin Jonas, the series is also starring Chelsea Staub, Frankie Jonas and Davida Williams.




JONAS的簡介綱要如下:「Jonas Brothers看樣子已成為精典的青少年搖滾團體,希望這個熱潮能夠繼續漫延下去。他們做著搖滾巡迴巴士於各國家內進行巡迴演唱,同時他們也發行了數張專輯和辦了數場簽名會,這是多麼的美好阿!」

「大家可能不知道的是J.O.N.A.S.所代表的涵義─『Junior Operatives Networking as Spies(青少年操作網路間諜* ,非官方譯名,為家長所譯)』,另一方面,幫他們從秘密機構接受任務打擊邪惡的代理人,正是他們的老爹。而他們的頭號敵人,通常都偽裝成Harvey Fleischman醫生,一位邪惡的牙醫企圖控制全世界的青少年。」

「然而,當你一方面要與這位反派的牙醫對抗,拯救世界,另一方面還要裝成平常學生,於高中上課,以及對媽媽隱藏身分。還有讓Stella Malone悄悄跟蹤,她是位試著捕捉這青少年團體獨家消息的青少年追蹤記者。」

除了Joe、Nick和Kevin組成的Jonas Brothers會擔綱演出外,Chelsea Staub、Frankie Jonas以及Davida Williams也會於螢幕上於大家見面。



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