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◆Jonas Brothers: Turn Right, Not Left!
Tue, 31 March 2009 at 3:42 pm
資料來源/Source:[Just Jared JR.]
原文/Original Article:
JJJ caught up with all four Jonas Brothers at the 2009 Kids’ Choice Awards on Saturday afternoon (March 28) at UCLA’s Pauley Pavillion.
The musical trio — Nick, Joe and Kevin — talked to JJJ all about their new album, Lines, Vines and Trying Times. They even exclusively shared the name of the song that means the most of them!
On adding horns into the new album: “We’re adding horns. Today, we actually have the horn players on stage with us. It’s going really well, they’re amazing. Even on the album, it’s a different sound for us. A little more Neil Diamond-ish, Zutons, kind of meets Prince somewhere in there.”
On what we can expect from the upcoming tour: “The stage is round, just like the Britney [Spears] tour. We’re surrounded by fans everywhere and it’s really exciting for us. [We've] always wanted to do a show that’s kind of like a rodeo. I think they [the fans] can expect kind of the same Jonas Brothers things. Obviously some of the same songs, and cool stage things. We’re not giving away any hints except what the stage looks like. It could turn into a Transformer, you never know. We’re playing five or six songs from the new record, which is so exciting for us. We’ll be introducing some new sounds on the older songs to make it different.”
On the most meaningful song on the album: “We’re not giving song titles just yet. There are about three songs…we’re trying to figure out the first single right now. The first single is always the most meaningful, it kicks off the new sound of the record. There’s one that means a lot to all of us. It’s called “Turn Right” It’s a song…you go left on a race track and a person in your life is going left and you’re saying ‘Turn Right’ into the safe place in my arms. It’s a beautiful, broken down song and there’s a pedal-steel guitar and a fiddle. It’s just beautiful.”
Joe, 19, also thanked JJJ. He shared, “I got all my friends hooked on [the board game] Moods!” (JJJ Note: The JoBros and JJJ played Moods on their private jet during the surprise theater invasion.)
◆新歌名為Turn Right
樂團的三位Jonas Brothers,Nick、Joe和Kevin與訪問中談到了新專輯《Lines, Vines and Trying Times》,他們也對我們獨家透露了其中收錄的一首歌名。
我們用一些管弦樂器為配樂增加了許多風趣,如同今天,我們於台上演出時,就有樂手伴隨吹奏一樣,像這樣整體下來的呈現真的非常好。在即將推出的新專輯當中,則是另依種不同的風味。像是多了點尼爾戴蒙(歌手Neil Diamond)式的風格、Zutons(搖滾團體),或是像Prince(歌手名)的感覺。
就像布蘭妮的巡迴一樣,這次的舞台是繞地球一圈的。我們將被來自各處的許多歌迷們包圍,這對我們來說真的很興奮。我們一直想要有個像是套馬的表演秀,我想歌迷們可以期待像Jonas Brothers的表演,明顯地藉由某些歌曲呈現,當然還有這次的舞台。其他細節,除非我們知道舞台的型式後,我們才能告訴大家。有可能會有像變型金剛一樣的效果,你們絕對料想不到的!我們也會演出讓我們興奮的新專輯當中的五或六首新歌,我們還會重新詮釋之前的歌曲,讓他更具不同的風味。
- Apr 01 Wed 2009 13:43
◆新歌名為Turn Right