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◆Black Eyed Peas, Jonas Brothers and More Tapped for NBC's 'Today' Concert Series
April 03, 2009 04:43:23 GMT 


原文/Original Article:

Black Eyed Peas and Jonas Brothers are among big groups recruited to entertain concertgoers at 2009 "Toyota Concert Series on Today". and friends will be singing on June 12, while the Jonas boys are set to perform on June 19. 

Other performers include No Doubt, Jennifer Hudson, Flo Rida, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, The All-American Rejects and many more. The Gwen Stefani-fronted band will kick off the annual concert series on May 1, while the others will be making a live appearance on the following days. 

Tyson Ritter from The All-American Rejects tells Billboard about his band being tapped for the third time at the annual event, saying that "its old hat to [them]." Flo Rida, meanwhile, admits to the publication that he gets "goosebumps just even thinking [about singing at the show]." He says, "I always do something real big every time I get on TV, but since this is my first time on 'Today' I definitely have to set the mark very high." 

This year's "Toyota Concert Series on Today" is going to be wrapped up on August 28. Additional artists and special guests will be announced later. 

2009 "Toyota Concert Series on Today" lineup: 


◆Black Eyed Peas、JB以及其他藝人將為Today一連串演唱會獻唱 

Black Eyed Peas和Jonas Brothers將會是今年Toyota一連串演唱會的最吸門票團體。團長Will.i.am將與一些朋友於6月12日到場表演,至於Jonas Brothers則預訂於6月19日到場獻唱。 

其他會到場的藝人包括:No Doubt、Jennifer Hudson、Flo Rida、Taylor Swift、Katy Perry、The All-American RejectsNo Doubt, Jennifer Hudson, Flo Rida, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, The All-American Rejects…等。5月1日當天,Gwen Stefani的前樂團將會為這場一年一度的演唱會開啟序幕。其它歌手的Live演出時間請見下面列出的日期。 

The All-American Rejects的團員Tyson Ritter也告訴Billboard說,他們被Today邀請,這已經是第三次了,所以這次的演出可以說是架輕就熟。同時,Flo Rida也坦承一想到要在這種大場面下唱歌,不禁讓他起了雞皮疙瘩,他說:「過去我也有在這種透過電視轉播的大場面下演出過,但是這是我第一次受Today邀請,這讓我必須試著讓場面比以往更加沸騰。」 

今年的Toyota Concert Series on Today預計將於8月28日結束,其他的藝人和特別來賓會隨之宣布。 

2009年Toyota Concert Series on Today已確定表演者名單: 

5月01日:No Doubt
5月08日:New Kids On The Block以及特別嘉賓
5月15日:Jennifer Hudson
5月22日:Fall Out Boy
5月29日:Taylor Swift
6月05日:Dave Matthews Band
6月12日:Black Eyed Peas
6月19日:Jonas Brothers
6月26日:The Fray
7月03日:Rob Thomas
7月10日:Rascal Flatts
7月17日:The All-American Rejects
7月24日:Katy Perry
7月31日:Kings of Leon
8月07日:Jason Mraz
8月14日:Flo Rida
8月21日:Natasha Bedingfield

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