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◆Cover Art of Jonas Brothers' New Album 'Lines, Vines and Trying Times'
April 21, 2009 02:27:26 GMT


原文/Original Article:

Jonas Brothers' new picture claimed to serve as the cover art of their new album titled "Lines, Vines and Trying Times" has emerged. It shows the three brothers, Kevin Jonas, Joe Jonas and Nick Jonas, placing their elbows on top of a table while looking at the camera. 

Jonas Brothers have just finished recording sessions for the new album. They plot to bring out the record in stores across America on June 15 under Hollywood Records. In the new effort, they will treat fans with three distinct sounds, which include "a funk sound, a little bit of a country-sounding thing, and then the classic rock." 

After the record is dropped, Jonas Brothers will embark on their world tour. Along with Jordin Sparks and Honor Society, they will kick off their roadshow on June 20 in Texas. The following day, they will co-host and perform at this year's MuchMusic Video Awards. Then, they will continue touring through November 24. Fans can visit their MySpace to obtain complete details on their upcoming shows.




這是Jonas Brothers新曝光的照片,據說將以這張照片當為他們新專輯《Lines, Vines and Trying Times》的封面。這照片是,三兄弟Kevin、Joe和Nick將手肘放在桌上,看著照相機鏡頭而拍攝的。

Jonas Brothers的這張新專輯將會繼續以Hollywooed Records(好萊塢唱片公司)來進行發行,日期為美國的六月十五日。在這張新專輯當中,他們將會使用了三種不同的樂器,包括:funk色彩,一點點的鄉村元素,當然還有他們的經典搖滾魅力。

在專輯發行之後,他們將會與與Jordin Sparks和Honor Society一起展開他們的世界巡迴演唱,6月20號則是於達拉斯演出。之後他們還將會一同主持6月21號的MuchMusic Video Awards(音樂錄影帶大獎),以及做現場演出。他們將會繼續他們的世巡演唱,完整的巡迴日期可到他們的Myspace中觀看。

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