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◆The Jonas Brothers are Seventeen Siblings
Fri, 24 April 2009
資料來源/Source:〔Just Jared JR.〕
原文/Original Article:
The Jonas Brothers heat up the June 2009 cover of Seventeen magazine.
Nick, Joe and Kevin dish to the mag about love, the future and pet peeves. Check it out:
On where Joe sees himself in five years: “I guess personally, I would love to do more acting, maybe movies — that would be really cool. I think Johnny Depp’s work is really great — he always incorporates music into what he does. And maybe write a book one day, because I love to read. ‘The Alchemist’ is my favorite book of all time.”
On the things that annoy Kevin: “People who are always telling you that you must be tired, you must be exhausted. It’s like ‘no, no, I’m okay.’ That’s one of our pet peeves. We do work hard, but don’t put words in my mouth, you know? I hate that.”
On the best love advice Nick has received: “I’ve gotten a lot of advice from my dad — be wise and have integrity. I’m young, so my dating life and my relationships are still in their beginning stages. Part of the journey in life is the learning you do along the way and seeing what happens.”
Jonas Brothers火熱登上國外Seventeen雜誌六月號封面。
那時候的我總是喜歡演戲,比如說像是拍攝電影,那可真的很酷。我認為Johnny Depp(強尼戴普)所拍攝的作品真的非常棒,他總是能將音樂和他的演出做出為美的結合。另外一項應該是出書吧,我喜歡閱讀,「The Alchemist(中譯:牧羊少年奇幻之旅)」是我一直以來都很喜歡的書。
- Apr 24 Fri 2009 22:57