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◆The Jonas Brothers: Party in Peru!
Mon, 18 May 2009 at 3:36 pm

資料來源/Source:〔Just Jared JR.〕

原文/Original Article:

The Jonas Brothers and BFF Demi Lovato give all their attention to the press as they promote their tour over the weekend in Lima, Peru.

Nick, Joe and Kevin are already loving their Peruvian fans. They wrote on their MySpace, saying, “We just arrived in Peru this afternoon and it is already amazing. We are looking out the window of our hotel and looking at a truly beautiful country. There are thousands of fans outside the hotel. The police were called in to control the crowd. It is unbelievable to hear the fans in a country we have never visited before. Thank you Peru! Can’t wait to meet everyone.”

The JoBros continued, “We just woke up to the sounds of fans screaming downstairs outside of our hotel. What a great way to start off our new world tour. We will be heading over to the venue for the concert later today. The fans in Peru have already shown us so much love. Can’t imagine what this trip is going to be like. It truly is a dream come true. We have been trying to be patient while we wait for the World Tour to start. Now it is finally here!!!”


◆世巡迴演唱開始 第一場秘魯利馬

Jonas Brothers以及他們的好友Demi Lovato這個週末於秘魯首都利馬舉行記者會來宣傳他們的世界巡迴演唱。


Jonas Brothers又繼續寫道:「我們剛被樓下粉絲的尖叫聲給吵起來,這是多麼好的一個方法來開始我們的世界巡迴演唱,我們將會在今晚抵達演唱會現場進行演出,且秘魯的粉絲已經向我們表示許多的支持了。已經很難想像這場世巡演唱將會變成什麼樣子了,這真的是讓我們的夢想起飛。剛開始我們還是著有耐心的等待世巡開始到來的那一天,而現在,我們居然即將要呈現第一場演出了!!」

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