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◆Jonas Brothers are 'Paranoid' in New Video
原文/Original Article:
With their hotly anticipated album -- 'Lines, Vines and Trying Times' -- less than a month away from its official release, it seems the Jonas Brothers’ schedule is more hectic than ever. Taking a quick break in their day to chat with PopEater about the exclusive premiere of the video for 'Paranoid,' the brothers currently find themselves in Lima, Peru, spending time with some of their more passionate fans.
“Our fans have been outside the hotel, and they’re just nuts,” Kevin says. “There were maybe 2,000 of them out there all night, chanting!”
Did they get any sleep?
“Actually, I had a great night’s sleep,” says Nick. “I slept for 12 hours!”
“It’s like they were singing us to sleep,” adds Joe.
Why did you choose 'Paranoid' as the single?
Nick: It's just a great song to play live, and whenever the fans hear it, they’re just amazing -- they sing every word. We're so thankful the response has been so awesome.
Is the song autobiographical?
Kevin: Out of all of the songs on the album, we feel like this was one that was more of a general song. We started out with the concept of paranoia and decided to see what it was like if we threw ourselves in the shoes of someone who was experiencing it.
Describe the video's the premise.
Nick: There are three different scenarios, and they’re all kind of rising out of this one situation. We’re all in different hallways that lead us elsewhere. So I have the car chase scene, Joe is in a wrestling ring and Kevin is seeing himself in different scenarios and it’s freaking him out.
How’d you come up with the concept?
Joe: While we were sitting around recording the song, we started coming up with ideas for how to translate it into a video, and then [directors] Tim Wheeler and Brendan Malloy presented their idea, and it was was dead on. They took a rough idea, and they really nailed it.
From when you shot your first video to now, you guys have experienced an incredible ascent. Is there any difference in the process of shooting now?
Nick: We're always trying to one up ourselves. For example, for the tour we're going on this summer, we're going to have a stage that’s bigger and better than last summer. We’re always looking to do things bigger and better for our fans, and the video was the same thing. We worked with Tim and Brendan on the video for 'Burning Up,' and we had such a great time with them that we knew we wanted to work with them again, but we wanted to do more. There’s definitely a sense of competition with ourselves going on.
But in a healthy way?
Nick: Definitely!
Share one fun behind-the-scenes story with us.
Joe: There’s a scene where I’m in a wrestling ring, and I had to wrestle these two guys who were actually professionals. It was a little scary at times. You can imagine what it’s like to have two 200-pound men running at you full force.
Does this mean you’re not going to pursue a career in professional wrestling?
Joe: It may happen.
◆關於Paranoid MV的訪問
大家迫不及待等著發行的新專輯《Lines, Vines and Trying Times》,可以說再一個月後就會正式發行,看樣子Jonas Brothers的行程只會更加的忙碌。他們在一次簡短的休息時間時,接受了PopEater獨家關於Paranoid MV的訪問,而這三兄弟目前正於祕魯利馬與他們熱情的粉絲度過。
Joe:「當我們坐在一起錄製這首歌的時候,我們就想著該用什麼方法將這首歌拍成音樂錄影帶,之後導演Tim Wheeler和Brendan Malloy則提出他們的意見,這也剛好正重了我們所要呈現的理念!於是他們便開始架構這個想法,他們真的很厲害!」
Nick:「我們總是試著要提升我們自己。例如,在這個夏天的巡迴演唱當中,我們也即將登上比去年夏天更大的舞台。我們總是試著要讓粉絲們感受到更盛大且更美好的演出,至於音樂錄影帶也是如此,我們與Tim和Brendan在拍攝Burnin' Up時曾一起合作過,那時的合作非常的愉快,因此才會有再一次的合作關係,但是這次我們所要做的,則是比上次還要多!這也就是我們對自己的自我要求。」
- May 26 Tue 2009 23:14
◆關於Paranoid MV的訪問