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◆Nick Jonas Chats The Administration
Wed, 18 November 2009 at 11:55 am

資料來源/Source:〔Just Jared JR.〕

原文/Original Article:

Nick Jonas may not be running for President just yet, but he does have his own Administration.

The 17-year-old musician caught up with USA Today to talk about the comings and goings of his new side-project group, The Administration. Made up of drummer Michael Bland and keyboardist Tommy Barbarella, Guitarist David Ryan Harris played on the album, but Sonny Thompson will replace him for live shows — which are coming up soon.

Nick shared, “I had written five or six songs that were on my heart, things that were just pouring out of me with this new and exciting sound. They weren’t necessarily right for the Jonas Brothers, but I thought they could be perfect for something else. It’s a cross between my roots in R&B and soul with a kind of rock/pop music behind it.”

Some of the songs off of their debut album, Who I Am include “The Rose Garden,” “Olive & An Arrow,” “Conspiracy Theory” and “State of Emergency.” 

Nick Jonas & the Administration will make its live debut performing a single of the same name on the Grammy Nominations Concert Live!! special Wednesday, December 2 on CBS.

Who I Am is set to hit shelves on February 2.


◆《Who I Am》預計於明年二月二日上市!

Nick Jonas競選的總統夢雖然還沒實現,但他已經有他自己的政府(Administration)了。

十七歲的他今天與USA Today談論關於他即將發行的獨立計畫的成員。由鼓手Michael Bland、琴鍵手Tommy Barbarella、吉他手David Ryan Harris一起錄製這張專輯,至於Sonny Thompson則會取代David,成為Live演出的吉他手。

Nick說道:「我寫了大概五、六首關於我心情的歌曲,這些情緒就像突然從我的體內湧出來,成為一首首令人振奮的調子。而這些歌並不一定要由Jonas Brothers來詮釋,我認為還可以讓他們更加美好。這些歌是以R&B為基調和一些我的rock/pop來演出。」

目前關於首張專輯《Who I Am》的歌曲包括:<The Rose Garden>、<Olive & An Arrow>、<Conspiracy Theory>以及<State of Emergency>。

Nick Jonas & the Administration將會在十二月二日星期三,Grammy Nominations Concert Live(葛萊美提名Live Show)當中演出他們的首支單曲,屆時將透過CBS轉播。

《Who I Am》預計於明年二月二日上市!(此為國外預定時間,台灣若有消息會馬上告知)

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