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Jonas Brothers Not Rushing Their New Album
Add CommentNovember 15, 2011 08:44:47 GMT

原文/Original Article:

Although hinting that a reunion is just around the corner, Jonas Brothers want to take their time in making their new studio album. Nick Jonas told MTV News, "We have started thinking about the next step and what that means for the brothers, and the tone overall is just that we want it to be the right time, and we want to take our time." 

"We're excited to make music for our fans again and to be able to tour one day together again," the youngest member of the band went on. "I don't know necessarily when that will be, but it will happen, and when it does, we're gonna be really excited, and hopefully our fans and others will be excited as well." 

While Nick was not sure when they will start making the album, Joe Jonas hinted that it would happen soon. The middle member of the band said in a separate interview, "I'm gonna be going to New York probably when Nick's going to be doing some Broadway stuff, so maybe some more Jonas Brothers stuff soon." 

The "See No More" singer added, "Kevin, he lives in New York, so we'll all be there together. We'll see what happens. Nick's gonna be working on his project, and we're always writing together, and we promised the band's not over. So, I'm definitely looking forward to be able to get back with them." 

Echoing his brothers' optimism for the next Jo Bros project, Kevin Jonas said, "I think the tides are perfectly lining up for the future of the Jonas Brothers again." The husband of Danielle Deleasa talked about that matter when being interviewed by PEOPLE at his 24th birthday which took place at Las Vegas' Chateau Nightclub.



儘管已暗示三人即將回歸樂壇,Jonas Brothers依舊照他們的腳步錄製新專輯。Nick Jonas對MTV新聞說道:「我們已經開始思考關於專輯下一步的走向和對我們兄弟的意義代表以及整體的風格。我們預計在一切都就緒後發行,因此現在只想要慢慢來。」



發表個人單曲 的他也說:「Kevin目前也在紐約,因此我們三人將都會在那,到時我們將會再見機行事,Nick將開始他對新專輯的計畫,我們總是一起寫歌,如我們向你們承諾過Jonas Brothers並不會解散,因此我很期待能再度與他們一起。」

Kevin,同時也是Danielle Deleasa的丈夫,也贊同他弟弟們關於新專輯的樂觀計畫,當他在他24歲生日時,在拉斯維加斯的 Chateau Nightclub節目中被美國People雜誌訪問時也表示:「我想回歸潮流已經在未來等著我們Jonas Brothers了。」

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