It may have been Super Bowl weekend, but the big event for thousands of mostly tween-age girls had nothing to do with football. Instead, all eyes at the Gibson Amphitheatre were focused on three relative rookies known as the Jonas Brothers, who played three sold-out shows there this weekend.
After selling out their first show at the 6,000-seat theater in a two minutes-the fastest sellout in the venue's 36-year history-the Jonas Brothers added two more shows that also sold out.Their average age isn't even 18 yet, and they just graduated to headlining status after opening for fellow Disney sensation Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus late last year.
15-year-old Nick, who alternated on guitar, drums and piano and handled vocals during much of the set. Joe, 18, sort of the default frontman, sang lead and backup while Kevin, 20, played electric and acoustic guitars. The band's more upbeat material, like set opener "Year 3000," wasn't too far removed in sound and presentation from the pop-punk of fellow brother act Good Charlotte, only without the angst and tattoos. The syrupy ballad "Hello Beautiful," performed on acoustic guitars with just the three Jonases seated onstage.
Although the bulk of the show consisted of material from the band's 2007 self-titled Hollywood Records debut ,the trio also previewed a few songs from its forthcoming album and attempted to rock new life into A-Ha's '80s new wave hit "Take On Me." Their recorded retooling of Kim Wilde's "Kids in America," which was absent from the set, would have made a better choice.
這禮拜應該是美式足球超級盃的光采,然而,這禮拜,眾所矚目的焦點卻在由三兄弟組成的新人Jonas Brothers身上在這禮拜演唱的三場演唱。
在他們第一場演唱會在2分鐘內賣掉6千張門票後,創下36年來最快的紀錄,另外2場演唱會門票也隨即賣光。雖然他們的平均年齡不到18歲,卻才剛結束去年與Hannah Montanah的驚人巡迴演出。
15歲的Nick,精通吉他、爵士鼓、鋼琴及獨特的嗓音;18歲的Joe主唱及合音也令人讚嘆;20歲的Kevin則負責(電)吉他。他們也融合了許多歌手的曲風,像成名曲目"Year 3000";以空心吉他演出甜蜜的"Hello Beautiful"也同樣受大家歡迎。
縱使他們在好萊塢的同名專輯大賣,他們也依然預先為了他們的第三張專輯作準備,像他們即將重新詮釋A-Ha80年代的轟動歌曲"Take On Me",如同他們之前為了電影改編了Kim Wilde's的Kids in America,成了Kids of The Future,這也證實了他們不是過時的樂團。
※轉載請註明→§Jonas Brothers強納斯兄弟§
It may have been Super Bowl weekend, but the big event for thousands of mostly tween-age girls had nothing to do with football. Instead, all eyes at the Gibson Amphitheatre were focused on three relative rookies known as the Jonas Brothers, who played three sold-out shows there this weekend.
After selling out their first show at the 6,000-seat theater in a two minutes-the fastest sellout in the venue's 36-year history-the Jonas Brothers added two more shows that also sold out.Their average age isn't even 18 yet, and they just graduated to headlining status after opening for fellow Disney sensation Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus late last year.
15-year-old Nick, who alternated on guitar, drums and piano and handled vocals during much of the set. Joe, 18, sort of the default frontman, sang lead and backup while Kevin, 20, played electric and acoustic guitars. The band's more upbeat material, like set opener "Year 3000," wasn't too far removed in sound and presentation from the pop-punk of fellow brother act Good Charlotte, only without the angst and tattoos. The syrupy ballad "Hello Beautiful," performed on acoustic guitars with just the three Jonases seated onstage.
Although the bulk of the show consisted of material from the band's 2007 self-titled Hollywood Records debut ,the trio also previewed a few songs from its forthcoming album and attempted to rock new life into A-Ha's '80s new wave hit "Take On Me." Their recorded retooling of Kim Wilde's "Kids in America," which was absent from the set, would have made a better choice.
這禮拜應該是美式足球超級盃的光采,然而,這禮拜,眾所矚目的焦點卻在由三兄弟組成的新人Jonas Brothers身上在這禮拜演唱的三場演唱。
在他們第一場演唱會在2分鐘內賣掉6千張門票後,創下36年來最快的紀錄,另外2場演唱會門票也隨即賣光。雖然他們的平均年齡不到18歲,卻才剛結束去年與Hannah Montanah的驚人巡迴演出。
15歲的Nick,精通吉他、爵士鼓、鋼琴及獨特的嗓音;18歲的Joe主唱及合音也令人讚嘆;20歲的Kevin則負責(電)吉他。他們也融合了許多歌手的曲風,像成名曲目"Year 3000";以空心吉他演出甜蜜的"Hello Beautiful"也同樣受大家歡迎。
縱使他們在好萊塢的同名專輯大賣,他們也依然預先為了他們的第三張專輯作準備,像他們即將重新詮釋A-Ha80年代的轟動歌曲"Take On Me",如同他們之前為了電影改編了Kim Wilde's的Kids in America,成了Kids of The Future,這也證實了他們不是過時的樂團。
※轉載請註明→§Jonas Brothers強納斯兄弟§