◆Jonas Brothers Invited Taylor Swift On Stage at NYC Concert
Jonas Brothers keep themselves innovative in pleasing their fans during concerts. The teen heartthrobs presented country singer Taylor Swift as the guest artist of their New York City concert on Sunday, August 10 at Madison Square Garden.
The 18-year-old country crooner joined the trio on the stage to sing a duet of "Should've Said No", the fifth and final single of Swift's debut album. Swift who dons a metallic blue mini dress and a pair of boots moved the crowds to their feet when she suddenly was introduced as the guest. The brothers are scheduled to perform again in the same venue tonight, August 11.
The opening act for the concert was fellow Disney star Demi Lovato who reportedly also invited roar from the audience. The particular girl has been closely linked to the three Jonas brothers both in her music and her personal life. In the morning of the concert day, eldest brother Kevin Jonas wore a T-shirt with "Team Demi and Selena" emblazoned on it. This has sparked rumors that the boys are pro to Demi and Selena in the girls' alleged feud with teen star Miley Cyrus.
The band are touring in support of their new album "A Little Bit Longer" which will hit the stores tomorrow, August 12. The release will be supported also with TRL appearances as part of Jonas Brothers Fan Week. According to their MySpace, the show will tape at 11:00 A.M. and 3:00 P.M. EST today and tomorrow. The Fan Week itself will air from Monday to Thursday at 11 P.M. ET/PT on MTV TRL this week.
Jonas Brothers這次要讓他們的歌迷一個驚喜!8/10,星期日,在紐約的演唱會;他們邀請了Taylor Swift擔任他們此次演唱會的嘉賓。
十八歲的鄉村歌手Taylor Swift與JB一起演唱她的最新單曲「Should've Said No」。Swift穿著金屬藍的迷你裙以及一雙長靴出場此次演唱會。另外,在今晚同一個地方,JB也還有一場演唱會。
擔任開場的Demi Lovato也讓大家不禁放聲尖叫;因為Demi與JB這師兄妹的關係,也影響她的音樂以及人生。在演唱會的早上,Kevin穿著一件有著『Team Demi and Selena」字句的T-Shirt。
為了明天即將發行的新專輯《A Little Bit Longer》目前也將展開巡迴演唱。此次新專輯發行將行將會與一部分的TRL表演和Jonas Brothers Fan Week一起撥出。此節目將會在今明天的11:30 A.M.以及3:00 P.M.在EST播放。另外,Fan Week將會從這個禮拜的星期一到星期四的11點在ET/PT MTV TRL。(皆在國外頻道)