
轉載註明:§Jonas Brothers強納斯兄弟§

◆Jonas Brothers Donate Their Little Bit Longer Suits To Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame And Museum


Can things get any better for the Jonas Brothers? They have three albums in the top 10 on the Billboard 200 albums chart, including the soundtrack to “Camp Rock” and their new one, A Little Bit Longer, which debuted at #1. Plus, the boys — Joe, Nick and Kevin — have a legion of dedicated and loving teenage fans.

And now the boys can add style mavens and rock-and-roll all-stars to their list of this week’s achievements. This afternoon, while taking a tour of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum in Cleveland, Ohio, the guys donated the three suits they wore on the cover of their smash album A Little Bit Longer to the museum.

The Jonas’ presented the suits to Jim Henke, vice president of the Rock Hall. The suits are part of the Right Here, Right Now! exhibit, which celebrates some of today’s hottest artists. And really, does it get any hotter than the Jonas Brothers?

They are the latest act to get a spot in the exhibit, which opened up earlier this summer and features memorabilia from artists and bands like Good Charlotte, Phantom Planet, John Mayer and Usher.


  Jonas Brothers的人氣強的無法擋。前幾天他們在Billboard的成績:三張專輯進入top10牌行榜,分別是《Camp Rock原聲帶》、《Jonas Brothers》以及最新的專輯《A Little Bit Longer》;讓他們成為當前最受歡迎的青少年團體。

  這個禮拜突破的這驚人成績也讓他們這搖滾團體一夕間聲名大噪。另外,在下午他們也到位於美國俄亥俄州的Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum參觀的同時,他們也將他們在新專輯《A Little Bit Longer》封面所穿著的衣服捐贈出來。

  當Jonas Brothers呈現他們的服裝給Rock Hall的副總裁Jim Henke的這個當下,他們的服裝就確定要在Rock Hall展出了!Rock Hall同時也展示時下一些明星的服飾;但是,當今,有誰能比Jonas Brothers更火紅呢?

  他們的服飾是目前Rock Hall館中最受矚目的焦點;在今年夏天,他們也曾展示許多有名氣的藝人或團體的服飾,像是:Good Charlotte、Phantom Planet、John Mayer以及Usher。


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