轉載註明:§Jonas Brothers強納斯兄弟§


◆Jonas Brothers: Pure pop?

The inevitable ascendance of the Jonas Brothers as the male tween-pop phenomenon of the moment was obvious when the group opened for Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus on her massive tour late last year.

The JoBros recently made history for being the first group ever to sell more than 100,000 digital downloads for three consecutive singles: "Burnin' Up," "Play My Music" and "Pushin' Me Away." Their album "A Little Bit Longer" had one of the biggest debuts of this century last week -- 525,000 copies sold, marking them as the 'N Sync of the new millennium. And, in a bit of obvious demographic pandering, they even appeared on the cover of Rolling Stone.

So, who are these goobers, and how did they reach these lofty heights?

The fabulously coiffed brothers -- Nick (15), Joe (18) and Kevin (20) -- grew up in the Jersey suburbs and were home-schooled by their mother and father, an Evangelical Christian minister and former church musician. Though he's the youngest, Nick is the group's leader and spokesman, as well as the breakout star: He started performing on Broadway at age 7, appearing in "Beauty and the Beast" and "Les Miserables," among other musicals.

Nick first caught the ear of Columbia Records with a recording of "Joy to World (A Christmas Prayer)," and a solo album of Christian pop songs followed. Mindful of the "MMMBop"/Hanson model, however, Columbia thought it would get more mileage from a brother act -- Kevin and Joe had contributed to Nick's solo disc -- and a bevy of pro songwriters including Adam Schlesinger (Fountains of Wayne), Desmond Child (Aerosmith, Bon Jovi) and Billy Mann (Destiny's Child, Jessica Simpson) was brought in to help craft the Jonas Brothers' 2006 debut, "It's About Time."

The time wasn't quite right, however, and Columbia dropped the group in early 2007. Enter Disney-owned Hollywood Records, which had heard the potential via Radio Disney's support of the act, and the Mouse soon launched an unequaled assault on tween consciousness, placing the brothers in commercials (they sang the jingle for Baby Bottle Pops), beauty pageants (they performed two songs at Miss Teen USA), TV movies ("Camp Rock") and TV series -- most notably an episode of "Hannah Montana."

Ah, dear Hannah. "Nick and I loved each other," Cyrus recently told Seventeen magazine. "For two years he was basically my 24/7." But they split, she was inspired to write several bitter break-up songs on her new album, "Breakout," and Nick reportedly has moved on to date fellow Disney commodity Selena Gomez. Mind you, all of this 15-year-old action is on the most chaste of levels: The God-fearing brothers are famous for sporting "purity rings," symbols that they will remain unsullied until marriage.

"To us, the rings are a constant reminder to live a life of values," Nick reluctantly told Rolling Stone when pressed on the issue. "It's about being a gentleman, treating people with respect and being the best guys we can be."

The Jonases' dad, Kevin Sr., added, "On a personal level, faith is extremely important. But I kind of cringe every time I read references to them being a Christian band, for the simple reason that they don't sing Christian music. Probably because of my background, the boys get lumped into the Christian-music genre. But it isn't their genre."

Witness the carefully crafted double entendre of "BB Good," the opening track of "A Little Bit Longer," and a prime example of Jonas music. Over a recycled Pat Bentar/Journey guitar riff, the boys sing about a seemingly innocent date -- "I'll pick you up at 7 / We can drive around and see a movie" -- with a subtext laid bare in the choruses -- "You gotta be be good to me / I'm gonna be be good to you / We'll be happy as can be / Just gotta be be good to me" -- and a tension that explodes in rather creepy fashion during the spoken-word climax: "Listen girl, you gotta be good / I don't wanna hurt you ... I wanna kiss you!"

"I hate that their heartthrob, teen-idol status sends mixed messages about their stance on purity," Brokaw wrote. "I love that the guys wear purity rings and I believe they believe in what the rings stand for. But when you see them posing seductively on the cover of Rolling Stone (really, who thought that was cute?) and talking about their first kiss in Tiger Beat (or Bop or PopStar or whatever teen magazine you pick up), without an explanation of what purity really means, there's the danger that what they share with their peers is simply a message that says, 'Wear a purity ring but still be consumed with lusting after hot guys.' "

Given that the life span of most teen idols is measured in months, not years, and those purity rings basically serve as an open invitation for the paparazzi to produce an image showing the JoBros being anything but, the group's current peak is, like Hannah/Miley's, probably also the beginning of the end. Meanwhile, though, as has been true throughout pop history, sex sells, no matter how hard you try to disguise it.


  自前年Jonas Brothers為Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus的演唱會開場後,大家便知道他們即將成為一股令人無法抗拒的青少年團體。

  Jonas Brothers最近的成績真是好的不得了!除了是有史以來第一個團體以三支精心創作的單曲創下10萬數位下載的佳績。第三張專輯《A Little Bit Longer》在上個禮拜以52萬5千的的銷售量創下美加排行榜冠軍,也打破了'N sync 50年前在創下的紀錄,成為當今最火紅的團體,登上滾石雜誌Rolling Stone的封面。



  Nick的歌聲隨即被Columbia唱片公司看好,於是Nick個人首張的同名專輯就在這時候被錄製了,除了Joy to World (A Christmas Prayer)這首感動人心的歌曲,也收錄了其他的福音歌曲。因為當時Hanson的成名,唱片公司決定將Nick與才藝出眾的哥哥Kevin和Joe一起錄製Nick個人專輯。2006年,他們邀請了許多名創作者,包刮:Adam Schlesinger(Fountains of Wayne)、Desmond Child(Aerosmith、Bon Jovi)和Billy Mann (Destiny's Child、Jessica Simpson)一起完成了Jonas Brothers的首張專輯《It's About Time》。

  在2007年初,Columbia唱片公司與他們解約,眼看他們的歌唱生涯隨即結束,Disney Hollywood Records的出現讓他們改變了一切;在Radio Disney聽到他們有潛力的歌聲之後,隨即與他們簽下了合約。從最初的Baby Bottle Pops廣告,經歷Miss Teen USA的演唱,甚至在夢漢娜客串演出,到他們有自己的電影「Camp Rock˙搖滾夏令營」。

  根據前些天,Miley與Seventeen magazine的訪談中談到:「Nick與我是彼此的喜歡對方;從7/24算起,我們共交往了兩年。」分開之後,受到Nick影響,他決定開始將自己失戀的苦澀心情寫成一首首歌,收錄在她的最新專輯《Breakout˙無所不能》。而Nick則因為事業上與迪士尼旗下的藝人Selena Gomez赱的太進,導致緋聞一波接著一波。然而,受到教會家庭的他們,皆戴了「守貞戒 (Puruty Ring)」,宣誓會保持處男之身直到結婚。 


  Jonas Brothers的父親─Kevin Sr.也補充道:「人的一生當中,信念是最為重要的。因此我總是希望他們成為一個受基督影響的團體;也可能是因為我的關係,他們也沾染了些福音歌曲的曲調。」

  因此他們以巧妙的雙關(B) 為他們的新專輯《A Little Bit Longer˙堅持到底》作為曲目一,以他們的「強」式風格,演唱一段純純的愛「I'll pick you up at 7 / We can drive around and see a movie」;以及在副歌的雙重意義「You gotta be be good to me / I'm gonna be be good to you / We'll be happy as can be / Just gotta be be good to me」;然後讓熱血的情緒到最後一瞬間爆發的口白:「Listen girl, you gotta be good / I don't wanna hurt you ... I wanna kiss you!!!」。

  當然,與他們不同的見解出現。像Gospel Soundcheck的專欄作家Brokaw就說道「聽到他們戴著守貞戒的時候,我高興他們了解戴著戒指所代表的意義。但是,當你看到滾石雜誌誘人的封面時,誰會認為他們是可愛的?再來論及他們在Tiger Beat所講到的初吻,你會了解它們一點也不純真。他們只是並告訴著同輩,儘管他們戴著守貞戒,依然是欲望強烈的hot guys。」




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