轉載註明:§Jonas Brothers強納斯兄弟§
◆Jonas Brothers' Fame Hasn't Changed Them
The Jonas Brothers, who are composed of Kevin, Joe and Nick and they reportedly made $12 million last year, remained humble and prove that they are down-to-earth as their neighbors are speaking out in glowing terms.
The churchgoing brothers don’t party like rock stars or date around, according to the scoop of their neighbors this week. Nick Jonas was in a relationship with fellow teen sensation Miley Cyrus for two years and he is reportedly now seeing Disney star Selena Gomez though both have denied the reports.
Nick only revealed on Ryan Seacrest’s radio show: “She’s an amazing girl, and anybody would be lucky to be dating her.”
Likewise, the other Jonas brothers have always been discreet. A neighbor dishes: “Joe and Kevin did have some gal friends - I don’t know if you would call it dating, a girl in church that they would sit with, that type of thing. They were not serial daters.”
Even as the group attempts to cross over from teen novelty to a broader audience, they’re likely to keep their family values.
Another neighbor added: “So many other stars claim they are good role models but I think these kids are the real thing.”
據報導由Kevin、Joe和Nick所組成的Jonas Brothers在去年賺進了一千兩百萬;即使如此,他們依然保持謙卑的態度,就像他們的鄰居所稱讚的一樣。
他們家鄉的鄰居在這個禮拜接受訪問時透露道:「受基督影響甚深的他們三位兄弟,並不像現在時下其他的搖滾名星時常的party慶祝,或是找機會四處約會。」Nick過去曾與Miley交往兩年的時間;然而現在卻與Selena Gomez不斷的傳出緋聞,縱使雙方都否認他們在一起。
Nick在接受Ryan Seacrest的radio show時也說:「能與他約會的那個人真的很幸運!因為他真的是個很棒的女孩!」