
轉載註明:§Jonas Brothers強納斯兄弟§

◆Barack Obama's Daughters Love Jonas Brothers


American pop band Jonas Brothers have special big fans, presidential candidate Barack Obama's daughters. The girls, Malia and Sasha, were reportedly disappointed when they found out they would have to be in Denver when the band would be in their hometown of Chicago.

When Malia and Sasha took the stage at the Democratic National Convention in Denver on Monday night, August 25, their mom Michelle Obama told them, "I've got a surprise for you." "Is it the Jonas Brothers?" 10 year-old Malia asked. "No, it's not the Jonas Brothers," Michelle responded and the girls were apparently upset.

Obama said that his daughters are big fans of the teen band, which has Kevin Jonas, Joe Jonas and Nick Jonas as the members. "They seem wholesome enough," the senator told reporters on his campaign plane earlier this month. "[The girls are] not thrilled that we're choosing the convention over the Jonas Brothers."

Meanwhile, Malia and Sasha's love for the Jonas Brothers is said to be well-documented. When Obama spent his birthday lounging around and drinking beer, his daughters reportedly danced around to the band's music on their iPods.

As for the Jonas Borthers, Kevin and Joe reportedly refused to endorse either presidential candidate. "But we do endorse voting ... getting to know the issues, learning about the candidates and [making] a decision for yourself," the 20-year-old Jonas said.


◆歐巴馬的女兒們也喜歡Jonas Brothers

  目前美國紅翻天的知名樂團Jonas Brothers有了個特別的fans──美國總統候選人歐巴馬的女兒們:Malia和Sasha。據報導當他們身在丹佛的時候,發現Jonas Brothers在他們的家鄉芝加哥演唱時,都不禁失望的嘆氣。

  八月二十五,星期一晚上,當Malia跟Sasha雨父親出席國家民主大會時,他們的母親告訴他們:「我有個驚喜要給你們!」十歲的女兒Malia回答說:「是Jonas Brothers嗎?」「親愛的,很抱歉不是。」當他的母親告訴他們的時候,可以看出來他們的失望。

  歐巴馬說他們的女兒很容易受到青少年團體的吸引而喜愛,尤其是Jonas Brothers。到目前為止,他們狂熱Jonas Brothers的程度比他們父親的的競選還超過呢!

  若要說Malia和Sasha喜歡Jonas Brothers的程度為何?以下這事件可以證明他們的支持度:當歐巴馬慶祝他的生日喝著啤酒的同時,他的女兒居然不在他的身邊,反倒是跟著他們iPod裡耳機的音樂興奮的跳起舞來。


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