轉載註明:§Jonas Brothers強納斯兄弟§
◆The Jonas Brothers Invade Philadelphia
The ultra popular boy band the Jonas Brothers made their way to Philadelphia early Wednesday morning where they are slated to bring their "Burning Up" tour at the Susquehanna Bank Center Wednesday night.
Fans reportedly begun lining up outside of The Four Seasons hotel in Philadelphia at 1 a.m. where the band held a press conference later in the afternoon.
All three brothers Kevin, Joe, and Nick, were in attendance to announce their partnership with Verizon Wireless to give fans a chance to go on vacation with the band at the Atlantis Paradise Resort in the Bahamas.
"By then our tour will be over I'm glad we are going on vacation with our fans I would start to miss them," Nick Jonas said at the press conference.
The brothers have been nominated with two MTV Video Music Awards this year for "video of the year" and "best pop video." The group is also slated to perform live at award show this year.
◆Jonas Brothers即將火熱引爆費城
目前在做Burnin' Up巡迴演唱的Jonas Brothers在這個星期三早上來到了費城,預計要在晚上的Susquehanna Bank中心演唱。
三位兄弟Kevin、Joe和Nick宣佈最近由Verizon Wireless發起的活動,讓歌迷們有機會一起與他們到西印度群島的觀光勝地「亞特蘭提斯」。
他們目前有兩首被MTV提名「Video of The Year」的MV;也準備要在那天現場演唱。