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◆CNS Survey Show The Jonas Brothers Are Best-Dressed Musicians
Los Angeles, CA (CNS) - The Jonas Brothers have already made their mark on the musical world, but they are also making their mark somewhere else - in fashion.
Celebrity News Service reports that the fashionable trio are doing the same thing for musical acts that the Beatles did years ago –dressing up the industry.
The Beatles took the world by storm when they dressed in black suits and ties, with their shocking-but-fashionable-at-the-time bowl hair cuts, and took a bow after each act.
The Jonas Brothers are following suit, yes the pun is intended, by also dressing in suits, shaking their own mop-head-hair and bowing. And the result: screaming fans just like in the days of the Beatles.
Each JoBro, as they are called, is known for a certain look. Oldest brother Kevin wears suits with scarves; middle brother Joe wears suits and often sports shirts that match his brothers suits or ties; and youngest brother Nick is a fan of the bow tie with his suit.
They also wear skinny pants and slipper-like shoes. Nick commented, while on a talk show, that he and his brothers don’t pick out their clothes themselves (obviously fashion marketing maniacs are standing behind the scenes) but did say that he has trouble bending his legs because his skinny pants are so tight.
A Celebrity News Service survey among Jonas Brothers fans revealed that the boys fashion style is something to be emulated. “I wish my boyfriend would dress like them,” one fan said. “They dress amazing.”
◆CNS的調查顯示:Jonas Brothers是打扮最受矚目的藝人!
《加州˙洛杉磯CNS報導》大家都知道Jonas Brothers是當今樂壇中最最火紅的樂團,然而不僅如此,他們的穿著出的時尚感也開始受到大家矚目。
Celebrity News Service(CNS)最近報導指出Jonas Brothers這三兄弟目前走紅的程度就如幾年前Beatles(披頭四)一樣,不僅僅是音樂,連他們的穿著部份也都火熱蔓延。
而當今的Jonas Brothers也如同過去Beatles帶領流行風潮,同樣的穿著西裝,以及他們蓬亂的頭髮,當然少不了的是感謝大家的誠摯鞠躬。就如同幾年前大家狂熱喜歡Beatles的結果一般:Jonas Brothers開始成名、閃亮,成為當今最受歡迎的青少年樂團。
當然,三位Jonas兄弟都有各自的特色。最年長的大哥Kevin總是穿著西裝以及一條圍巾;二哥Joe除了西裝外, 也常穿著運動衫和適合他的領帶;Nick則是蝶形領結的愛好者。
他們總是穿著緊身褲以及較輕便的鞋子。Nick在talk show表示:「他們三兄弟不會為他們自己挑選衣服;但是緊身褲有時候真的太緊,讓他們無法讓腿彎曲。」
CNS從Jonas Brothers的粉絲中調查裡顯示:他們喜歡這三兄弟的style是「追溯潮流」,其中一位粉絲說道:「我希望我的男朋友的穿著能跟他們效仿,他們真的穿出自己的流行出來。」
Jonas Brothers: