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◆The Jonas Brothers reflect
[Mon, 29 Sep 2008 3:34p.m.發布]
The Jonas Brothers - Joe, Kevin and Nick - are riding high.
Their new film, Camp Rock was a huge success Stateside, becoming the second highest viewed film on the Disney Channel after High School Musical 2.
They are also enjoying a surge of popularity in the UK, where they met by crowds of fans at the film's London premiere in September.
Their third album, A Little Bit Longer, sold more than 525,000 copies to debut at No. 1 on the Billboard charts.
They've also managed the rare feat of having two albums in the US top 10 at the same time.
Associated Press Music Writer Nekesa Moody compares the young men to other boy band phenomena like N'Sync and New Kids on the Block, but says the Jonas' are something special:
"They're not just a boy band, they have a lot of talent. And not only that, they are pretty on the eyes for all the young girls. They definitely have that scream factor."
Young girls certainly line up in screaming droves to catch a glimpse of them.
And what they're falling for is a wholesome charm.
The boys are managed by their father, a pastor who home schooled them, and each wears a purity ring - symbolising their intent to stay celibate until marriage.
All of which makes them role models to many.
"You know, we're not perfect," says Joe, "but we're doing our best and we definitely know that it's good to just live every day by itself and do your best to do what you do and enjoy it."
As to what kind of girl will win their hearts, "Just be good to mom - it's very important," smiles Nick.
"If mom likes her it's all good," agrees Joe. "I think also, just a great personality. Someone that's not afraid of what people think and can be themselves."
Since 2005, the boys have toured with the likes of Kelly Clarkson, Miley Cyrus and the Backstreet Boys, before graduating to headlining their own dates.
Even life on the road hasn't stirred up tension, let alone sibling rivalry.
"I think for us, we get along very very well and I don't think we would know what to do without each other. We're each other's best friends," says Kevin.
Life's not entirely a bed of roses though. Nick Jonas revealed he suffers from type 1 diabetes at a fundraiser for the Diabetes Research Institute last year. He was diagnosed while on tour in 2005.
The lyrics of album title track 'A Little Bit Longer' were written to help spread awareness of the condition, and offer encouragement to fellow sufferers.
The brothers reportedly give a tenth of their earnings to their Change for Children Foundation - and recently announced the charity would would be teaming up with Bayer Diabetes Care to keep spreading the word.
"I'm a diabetic so we work a lot with diabetes and research and creating awareness as well," explains Joe. "Anything we can do financially is great, but also we're focussed on being moral support for these kids as well because when they first get diagnosed they always feel very alone in the struggle and we're just trying to meet as many of them as we can and say 'It's going to be alright', and let them know we're there for them."
The condition isn't about to slow Nick down.
He and his brothers are enjoying their success and looking to the future.
"It's been an amazing ride," says Nick, "and we're just continuing to do what we're doing - having fun."
由Kevin、Joe和Nick所組成的Jonas Brothers在最近撥出的迪士尼原創電影「Camp Rock˙搖滾夏令營」在美國大紅大紫,創下繼「High School Musical 2˙歌舞青春2」之後的收視率最高紀錄!
至今,他們的人氣依然不減,九月,他們到歐洲首映Camp Rock的同時,可以從廣大的歌迷中看出他們目前受歡迎的程度。
他們的第三張專輯「A Little Bit Longer˙堅持到底」目前已經售出52萬5千張,發行首週還登上Billboard的Top 1,同時也創下同時有兩張專輯在榜的紀錄。
美聯社音樂版的打字員Nekesa Moody將他們和「N'Sync」以及「New Kids on the Block」這類的男子團體比較,發現Jonas Brother成功的原因除了同是男生團體外,最重要的是他們的天賦!不僅如此,他們還是當今所有青少女所矚目的焦點。這就是他們使人驚叫瘋狂的因素!他們當然都想透過尖叫聲,讓這三位男孩注意,儘管是一眼也好。
自從2005年來,他們一路與Kelly Clarkson、Miley Cyrus、Backstreet Boys一起巡迴演唱,走到現在他們的專輯成為人手一張的Top 1。
《A Little Bit Longer》這張新專輯裡的這首歌,便是依據當時的心情寫的,並鼓勵其他患有糖尿病的人。