※轉載請註明:§Jonas Brothers強納斯兄弟§

◆GOODBYE 2008 - HELLO 2009
Tuesday, December 30, 2008 

資料來源:〔Jonas Brothers Myspace〕


Hey everyone!

What a year this has been. There are probably not enough words to describe what an amazing year we have lived in 2008. It feels like we were just sitting here writing a blog for the end of 2007. Time has really moved faster than we could have imagined.

As we end the year we wanted to list some of the things we are thankful for in 2008 (and a few things we are excited about for 2009)

In 2008 we are thankful for:

The opportunity to be on the Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus tour and the HM 3D movie (which opened at Number 1)

The When You Look Me in the Eyes Tour which started in February.

Our first ever Kids Choice Award for Best Group

Our first ever Teen Choice Awards. You made it possible for us to get 5 awards.

Our first opportunity to tour outside the US. WE opened for Avril Livigne in Europe. It was a great opportunity to meet people from all over Europe.

The launch of Camp Rock in the US and around the world. 

Radio playing our songs - This year they played When You Look Me in the Eyes, Burnin' Up, and LoveBug.

Our videos were well received - WYLMITEs, Burnin' Up and LoveBug and you guys made them successful on TV and especially online.

We did a short reality series for the Disney Channel called Jonas Brothers - Living the Dream. They followed us on our WYLMITEs tour. 

We had a wonderful summer tour with The Burning Up Tour. We started in Canada and toured all over the US. It was amazing from beginning to end. Some of the highlights included, 3 Madison Square Gardens, release week for our ALBL CD, playing at Woodstock, Toronto, etc.

During the tour we filmed our 3D movie. A lot of you might find yourself in the movie because we filmed it on most of the Burning Up Tour.

We visited MuchMusic in Canada following the European premiere of Camp Rock. It was a total surprise to see that many people in Canada that knew about our music. We can't wait to visit more of Canada on our next tour.

We released on new CD, A Little Bit Longer, around the world. It debuted Number 1 on the US Billboard Chart.

We released our 2 CDs and Camp Rock around the world.

Jonas Brothers and A Little Bit Longer have gone Gold or Platinum in 27 nations outside the US (not inlcuding Camp Rock). All 3 CDs went Platinum in the US.

We started filming our new TV show for the Disney Channel called JONAS. We can't wait for you to see it. We have been working hard on this since September.

We won our first American Music Award (AMA) for Breakthrough Artist. It was your votes that allowed us to win.

We release our first book of photos from the last couple years that made it to Number 1 on the New York Times Bestsellers List for its category.

We won an award for Best English act in Mexico. Then we went back for our first stadium show.

At the end of the year we were nominated for a Best New Artist Grammy. We don't even know what to say about this honor. It is a complete shock and thrill all at the same time.

This has been one of the best years of our lives. None of this would have been possible without you. You have made our dreams come true.

Thank you Disney, Hollywood Records, TV, radio, film, etc. But most of all THANK YOU!!!!

Looking ahead to 2009...

In February you can see our new 3D movie

Later in the year we will debut our Disney Channel how, JONAS

AND...we will launch our first ever JB WORLD TOUR

Thank you, thank you, thank you

You are the best fans in the world. Thanks for allowing us to live our dreams.

Kevin, Joe and Nick





有機會能與Miley一起在Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus的巡迴演唱,以及參與他的3D電影演唱。

二月開始的When You Look Me in the Eyes巡迴演唱。
Kid Choice Award的Best Group獎。


美國Camp Rock的首播,當然還有全世界大多數國家的撥出。

廣播播放著我們的歌曲:今年他們放了:When You Look Me in the Eyes、Burnin' Up還有LoveBug。

我們的MV得到了熱烈的迴響─WYLMITEs、Burnin' Up和LoveBug,你們使這些成為電視上的一支支主打,當然還有線上播放。

我們為迪士尼頻道拍了一些小影集,「Jonas Brothers - Living the Dream」,他是根據我們在WYLMITEs巡迴演唱的時候拍的。

我們有了個非常棒的夏天,那就是Burning Up的巡迴演唱。我們從加拿大作為起點,跑遍了整個美國。從開始到結束的感覺真的都非常的棒。其中還發生了一些事,包括:3 Madison Square Gardens的演唱、《A Little Bit Longer》專輯發行的那個禮拜、在多倫多的Woodstock演唱…等等。

在這次的巡迴演唱中,我們也順便拍了3D電影。這就是說,你們或許可以在電影當中發現你們的蹤跡呢!因為3D電影就是從我們是大部分的Burning Up巡迴演唱中所拍攝錄製成的。

在歐洲首播Camp Rock之後,我們拜訪了加拿大的MuchMusic。在加拿大看到如此多的人聽過我們的歌,這真的很讓人驚訝。我們迫不及待在下一次的巡迴演唱中再度到加拿大演唱。

我們的新專輯《A Little Bit Longer》在世界各地發行著,甚至還在美國告示牌摘下第一名!

兩張專輯和Camp Rock已經在世界各地一一發行。

《Jonas Brothers》和《A Little Bit Longer》已經在美國以外,超過27個國家,獲得黃金或白金認證(還不包括Camp Rock原聲帶)。而這三張專輯也都在美國破了白金唱片。


我們在New York Times Bestsellers發行了我們第一本書,裡面的照片都是過去幾年來選出的最好的。
我們在墨西哥贏得了Best English act大獎。之後我們還到場表演。

就在今年快要結束的同時,我們被葛萊美提名了Best New Artist!我們真的不知道該如何表達這項榮耀,這一方面使我們震驚也讓我們十分興奮。


感謝迪士尼、Hollywood Records、TV,、radio和電影公司…等。但是最重要的還是謝謝各位歌迷的支持!!




當然,我們也即將開始我們第一次的…「JB WORLD TOUR-強納斯兄弟世界巡迴演唱會」。


Kevin, Joe and Nick


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