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◆Jonas Brothers New Album Date Announced-But Are The Jonases Doing Too Much?
Published by Tamar Anitai on Wednesday, March 4, 2009 at 11:47 pm.

資料來源/Source:〔MTV Buzzworthy〕

原文/Original Article:

In the year 2008 alone, the Jonas Brothers did more in 365 days than 365 people do in 365 years. There were their ”Look Me In The Eyes” and “Burning Up” tours. The release of Camp Rock and A Little Bit Longer. They even let us hang out with them for two (exhausting) days straight during MTV’s “Jonas Brothers: Live & Mobile” event. There were those billion and six awards shows, including the VMAs. TV appearances. Their Burning Up book. Public appearances. More appearances in places that require appearing at, which require travel and getting up early.

Fast forward to a new year — it hasn’t even been 2009 for like, five seconds, and already the Jonas Brothers have performed on the Grammys, performed on Saturday Night Live, shot their Jonas Brothers Experience MTV special, released their 3D movie, the soundtrack, and flown EVERYWHERE in a jet and surprised EVERYONE who wasn’t dead or already being surprised by the Publisher’s Clearinghouse Prize Patrol.

Still, they’ve got their new Disney TV show, J.O.N.A.S. at the ready. Camp Rock 2 is coming up, AND they’re planning a 2009 world tour. AND, according to M Magazine, the Jonas Brothers are prepping their fourth studio for release on June 16, 2009.

I KNOW that the Jonas Brothers are living the dream and everything, but their lives are starting to look like one long movie montage where people go shopping, except instead of shopping, they keep flying places, hugging crying fans, and revealing new forms of media almost every single day. And instead of a movie, these are the Jonas Brothers’ real lives. I’m really starting to understand why a lot of Tokio Hotel fans petitioned to have the band take a break in late 2008.

So, you tell me — do you think the Jonas Brothers need to take a breather, or are you ready for that new album, no matter what? (And, BTW, I’m gonna go out on a limb and assume that that Chris Brown track isn’t going to make it on the Jonas Brothers album. Just assuming here.)


光是2008年,這365天,Jonas Brothers的工作就等於365個人做了365年工作的份量。這些大大小小的工作量包括:『WYLMITE』和『Burnin' Up』巡迴演唱、Camp Rock/搖滾夏令營的撥出、A Little Bit Longer的上市、他們甚至也與我們(MTV)一同經歷了『Jonas Brothers: Live & Mobile』兩天精疲力竭的拍攝過程。以及出席數不清的頒獎典禮,像是VMAs、出席電視節目show、專書Burnin' Up的出版、出席各大場合、以及即早為他們的旅程做準備。

時間回到今年,2009─可以說是完全不像是原先計畫的2009年,才剛進入新的一年,Jonas Brothers於葛萊美獎的表演已讓人記憶猶新,於Saturday Night Live的演出、拍攝MTV特別節目『Jonas Brothers Experience MTV』、3D電影的上映、發行電影原聲帶和在境內各州飛行進行戲院驚喜行動來讓FANS驚喜。

接著,他們新的電視影集『JONAS』將會於迪士尼頻道撥出、Camp Rock 2/搖滾夏令營續集也即將開拍,還有他們計畫的2009年世界巡迴演唱會。更令人感到不可思議的事,根據M雜誌報導,Jonas Brothers即將發行他們的第四張專輯,日期就在今年的6月16日!!

我知道Jonas Brothers的夢想已經起飛,而且飛的既高且平穩,但是他們的生活可以說就像是「剛開始剪輯關於大家為之陷入瘋狂消費」的影片製作。除了消費外,他們也不停地於各地飛行、擁抱安慰哭泣的fans和每過幾天於自己的部落格上發布他們的最新動態。這不只是我們在戲院裡所看到的「強納斯兄弟3D立體演唱會」,你們所看到的是他們真正的人生。我開始能夠理解為什麼在去年年底Tokio Hotel的fans請求他們好好休息一會兒了。

看到他們在去年和今年完成了這麼多的事情,現在要由你們來說告訴我(指MTV此篇記者Tamar Anitai),你們認為JB需要好好的休息一陣子嗎?或是無論如何已經迫不及待聽到他們的新專輯呢?(還有,我想我會去確定Chris Brown/克里斯小子為這三兄弟所寫的曲子有否收錄於新專輯。)


去年,Chris Brown為JB寫曲的新聞請點

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