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◆Jonas Brothers to Go Hip-Hop for New Album
March 05, 2009 02:31:01 GMT
原文/Original Article:
Jonas Brothers share more on what they plan to do and what they have already finished for their new album, hinting to cook up Hip-Hop materials for the record. "There's a song we wrote recently and we were thinking ... it does sound different and kind of strange, and [we'd like to work with] a rapper who has some real meaningful lyrics," Nick Jonas tells MTV.
Emphasizing their desire to make a Hip-Hop album, Joe Jonas says, "We have a hip-hop bone in us somewhere." Meanwhile, on with whom they want to team up to bring in the R&B sounds, Nick states, "[Someone who] has some real depth to what he's saying - someone like a Common or a Lupe Fiasco or a Mos Def. Someone who takes more of a spoken-word approach. That'd be really cool."
Starting their recording sessions during their summer tour in 2008, Joe explains that their music has grown up along with them. "As we get older, so does our music. There's a lot more horns and it's really fun. I think people are going to be able to jam out to it in their cars or their mom's cars or their boom boxes," he claims.
In related news, Nick, Joe and Kevin Jonas plan to announce tour dates for their first world roadshow on March 11. In the meantime, they will next be seen performing in Texas, Bahamas, London and Utah. Fans can log on to their MySpace for more details about their upcoming shows.
Jonas Brothers在最近的訪問中提到他們已經計畫好的行程以及他們完成新專輯的的消息,且暗示這張專輯可能會配上一些嘻哈元素。Nick在接受MTV的訪問時說道:「新專輯收錄了一些我們最近所寫的歌曲以及我們的想法,可能會與以往有些不同,或有些奇怪。我們也希望能夠與那些充分表達出意義歌詞的rap歌手合作。」
強調他們的計畫是製作一張搭配嘻哈的專輯。Joe說:「也許我們的體內原先就有一些嘻哈基因。」同時,問道他們將與誰一起合作帶進R&B風格的問題,Nick回答:「希望能找到像Common、Lupe Fiasco或Mos Def這類,歌詞有進一步深層意義的歌手。能夠將原先的意境呈現的比口說出來的話更具風味,那可以說是非常的酷!」
關於最近的新聞,Nick、Joe和Kevin Jonas即將在3月11日,宣佈他們第一次世界巡迴演唱的國家以及日期。同時,他們最近也將於德州、巴哈馬、倫敦和猶他州表演。歌迷們可以登入他們的Myspace來查看這些show的詳細消息。
- Mar 05 Thu 2009 17:08