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◆Jonas Brothers 'Keep Little Time for Dating', 'Trying to Connect With Fans'
March 19, 2009 03:03:51 GMT
原文/Original Article:
Having a very full plate on their agenda in the coming days as they plan to embark on a world tour, Jonas Brothers admit they "keep a little time for dating". "We've got a lot going on in our lives, and I think for us, we're focused on that," Nick Jonas tells E! News. "For the most part we're focused on working on the TV show, we just finished that, and now with this new tour. We're really trying to connect with our fans. They're the most important thing in the world to us," he explains when referring to "J.O.N.A.S!" and the tour.
Speaking on the possibility of them adding more resume into their acting career, eldest brother Kevin Jonas claims he, Joe Jonas, and Nick are all eager for more roles. "More than anything, I think each of us has really gotten into the acting thing over the last six months with the TV show," Kevin says. He then adds, "We hope that it will be a great future for all of us."
Also talking about their planned new album, Nick informs E! News that "the songs on the new album are all about things that we've really gone through." Nick goes on detailing, "Personal experience is where we get all our inspiration from. But also, we've been working on trying to use metaphors to mask a literal thing that happened to us. Elvis Costello did that, and (we've been) listening to his music and trying to imitate that."
Speaking on them being spoofed on "South Park" season 13 premiere titled "The Ring" which was aired on Wednesday, March 11, Kevin, Joe, and Nick admit they haven't seen the spoof just yet. However, Kevin claims, "I think we always like that we can make fun of ourselves, and we'll be the first to say that was kind of fun."
In another Jonas Brothers news, they have been scheduled to host a concert at Washington, D.C.'s Verizon Center on July 13. And the siblings are not shy from making public their willingness to have the First Daughters, Sasha and Malia Obama, attending the show. "Hopefully, the family will come out and watch the show," Kevin Jonas says. "They're always invited."
自世界巡迴演唱的日期陸續公佈後,Jonas Brothers行事曆上的活動日期便開始增加。儘管如此,他們依舊能空出一些時間來與朋友聚在一起,Nick在接受E!新聞網訪問關於新影集「J.O.N.A.S!」和世巡演唱的時候說道:「在生活當中,我們與家人朋友相處的機會已經足夠了,我認為現在我們應該把注意力放在製作當中的電視影集裡,我們剛完成所有拍攝的程序。我們也試著要與我們的fans做更近一步的了解,對我們來說,他們都是我們最重要的支持者!」
至於即將發行的新專輯,Nick也與E!新聞網談到關於新專輯裡的歌曲都是「他們真實經歷過的事情。」他說:「這次新專輯的靈感來源,大多是來自我們三位的個人經歷。同時,我們也試著利用一些隱喻來修飾我們所經歷過的事,好讓歌詞不要太過於直接,就如同Elvis Costello一樣,我們於過去幾個月也一直聽他的音樂,試著從中獲得一些創作靈感啟發。」
另外一則消息則是,他們計劃主持6月13日於華盛頓迪士尼頻道Verizon中心的演唱會。而他們三位對於第一家庭的兩位千金Sasha Obama和Malia Obama的即將出席,並不感到怯場。kevin說:「希望到時候他們一家人都能夠蒞臨一起參加這個show,他們永遠都受歡迎!」
- Mar 19 Thu 2009 16:20