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◆Jonas Brothers Say Tour Will Be Different From 3-D Movie
Mar 18 2009 2:05 PM EDT
By Jocelyn Vena


原文/Original Article:

It seems like the Jonas Brothers are everywhere these days, and with a summer tour set to kick off in June, they'll soon be coming to a city near you. 

But with a 3-D movie out that captures the guys' last tour on film, what incentive do fans have to come out and check the guys out this time around? 

"This is something brand-new," Kevin Jonas promised Wednesday (March 18). "We've never embarked on an in-the-round tour. The new songs on the new record are very exciting for us. For us, for all the opportunities we get, we're astonished every day. To be able to visit so many people ourselves will be very great." 

The guys will be touring with "American Idol" winner Jordin Sparks and Honor Society, whom the Jonas Brothers said they were "excited" to hit the road with. 

The band also has plans to meet fans on the tour, saying that if you stop by the Honor Society meet-and-greet, there's a good chance you could meet a JoBro as well. "For us, it's always about finding alternative ways to meet our fans," Nick Jonas said. "It's about finding different ways to do it. It's about getting creative." 

One pair of fans who should have no trouble meeting the guys on tour are the band's most famous followers, Sasha and Malia Obama. "I'm sure if they would like to come, there wouldn't be any problem getting tickets," Nick said. "And I'm sure they can get their own tickets magically."



看樣子,Jonas Brothers最近這幾天可真是疲於奔命,而世界巡迴演唱會也即將於這個夏天的六月開始,他們即將到達離你們最近的城市為你們演唱!

最近大家都到戲院裡看過,自上次Burnin' Up巡迴演唱捕捉的畫面,而製作成的3D電影,那還會有什麼動機,迫使大家繼續去聽這次的演唱會呢?

別擔心,Kevin Jonas於3月18日跟大家承諾:「這次的世界巡演將會是全新的體驗!我們從來就沒有繞行世界一圈的經驗,還有加上新專輯的曲目,可以說是非常的令人興奮!對我們來說,我們所得到的每個機會,都使我們每天振奮,能夠拜訪這麼多來自不同國家的fans,真的是非常棒!」

他們將將與美國偶像的冠軍Jordin Sparks,還有JB讚賞能在旅程當中,讓他們感到興奮的樂團「Honor Society」。

同時,他們也計畫在這次的世界巡演當中拜訪他們的fans,意思就是當你被Honor Society的歌聲吸引而停下來觀看的時後,接下來就有可能機會遇見Jonas Brothers!!Nick說:「這次的世界巡演,給了我們用不同方式呈獻演出的機會,讓我們獲得更多的創造力。」

至於他們最出名的忠實fans二人組,也絕對不會有跟上他們世界巡演腳步的問題,就是Sasha和Malia Obama。Nick說:「我肯定他們一定會來聽我們的演唱會,他們絕對不會有拿不到票的問題,而且是不可思議地,就拿到票了。」

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