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◆What It Takes To DATE A Jonas Brother


原文/Original Article:
Jonas Brothers revealed to Life Story what it takes to date one of them!
NICK: 'We are the type of guys who prefer that we ask a girl out instead of the other way around. We were raised to be gentlemen! All of us prefer to do the asking and we always pay on date.

I notice a girl's smile, if she looks like a happy person or not. A beautiful smile can tell you what's in someone's heart. [Like Miley!] One I start getting to know someone, then I'll notice that I'm feeling relaxed and comfortable and then I really know I like that person. 

And that's true for both girlfriends and friends in general. If I feel comfortable enough to star talking and laughing and I feel relaxed enough to be myself, I know I've found a friend for life.'

JOE: 'I will always notice the girl who's dressed up. I also notice someone who has a lot of confidence, someone who has a big smiles, someone who is not afraid to talk. But a girl can have all those qualities, and if she's dressed like a slob, I won't get the chance to notice those other qualities. I really like seeing a girl in a dress, looking her best.'

'There's nothing worse than having a girlfriend or a friend who's always being negative about everything you love. If I'm enjoying myself, I like to turn to the person I'm with and see that person enjoying herself too. It's downer to hang out with someone who isn't excited about life.'

I'm always disappointed in a girl when she brushes off something that's really important to me. When I'm excited about something, I want to share it with the people I love and if the girl isn't excited for me, well that's a sign that something is wrong.' 

KEVIN: 'The perfect date can be wherever were are just ordering food or watching a movie at home because sometimes that's the first time I'm relaxing all day. Sometimes I do love getting in a car and driving somewhere, going some place new and exciting.' 



Jonas Brothers與Life Story分享,與他們約會時,要注意哪些事情。








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