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◆Hot New Hookups, Nick Jonas and Jordan Pruitt
March 25, 2009 07:10:16 GMT


原文/Original Article:
Following his alleged split from rumored girlfriend Selena Gomez, Nick Jonas is wasting no time to embark on a new love relationship as he reportedly is dating Radio Disney star Jordan Pruitt. Breaking the news on the twosome's romance is Betty Confidential, which claims the teen stars have been dating for two months and frequently spending time together on the set of Jonas Brothers' TV series "J.O.N.A.S!" Greater than that, Jordan also arrived as Nick's date at the show's wrap party. 

Betty Confidential furthermore reveals Nick and Jordan first met when she served as an opening act for Jonas boys and The Cheetah Girls' tours. Since then, they developed a close bond which then led to romance. 

"They are very cute together and Jordan made many stops to Nick's trailer during the filming of the show. They began dating two months ago and Nick is constantly sending her text messages," Betty Confidential's source says. "They have quite a cute young relationship, not too serious, and she gets along great with Joe and Kevin. They have been friends for years, so is a very comfortable relationship." 

Nick Jonas previously dated fellow Disney actress-singer Miley Cyrus. After their highly publicized split, he was romantically linked to Selena Gomez. Neither him nor Selena has ever acknowledged that they were an item though. 

UPDATE Mar 26: A rep of Nick Jonas from Disney confirmed that the above gossip is false. The correct fact is The Jonas Brothers are recording songs with Jordan Pruitt - and that's all. 


◆Nick並沒有與Jordan Pruitt在一起

根據緋聞流傳,與緋聞女友Selena Gomez分手的Nick,在分手後立即展開新戀情,據報導,他正與Radio Disney歌手Jordan Pruitt熱戀交往當中。這則新聞是由Betty Confidential所發布的,當中指出他們於兩個月前開始交往,並且因為一起拍攝最新的迪士尼電視影集「J.O.N.A.S!」而在一起。同時,Jordan也曾出席過Nick的開場演唱。

Betty Confidential進一步的解釋說明Nick與Jordan的第一次見面,是之前Jordan在為JB開場演唱,同時他也曾為Cheetah Girls的巡迴演唱開場過。自此後,他們便有了更親密的關係,延伸為戀人。

「他們在一起可以說是非常甜蜜,同時在拍攝電視影集時,Jordan與Nick之間的感情也逐漸變好,他們的戀情於兩個月前開始,而Nick也不斷地傳送簡訊給她。他們可以說是非常可愛,同時Jodan與Joe和Kevin也處的非常好。他們從幾年前就是朋友,之間的互動也一直很好。」Betty Confidential說道。

Nick之前曾與迪士尼小天后Miley Cyrus在一起,因為媒體的高度關注之下而導致分手,之後又傳出與Selena Gomez的緋聞消息,至今他與Selena都未出面承認他們是否在一起。

3/26更新:代表Nick的迪士尼發言者於今天出面澄清關於以上所說的這些緋聞,全部都是假的。事實為:Jonas Brothers正與Jordan Pruitt一起錄製幾首新歌,僅僅如此。

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