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◆The Jonas Brothers are ‘Paranoid’
Wed, 29 April 2009 at 7:34 pm
資料來源/Source:〔Just Jared JR.〕
原文/Original Article:
The Jonas Brothers are all set to release their new CD, Lines, Vines and Trying Times, on Tuesday, June 16.
Nick, Joe and Kevin will release their first single, Paranoid, next Friday to radio on May 8.
Paranoid will also be available on iTunes on May 12. Be on the lookout for the music video for the single will be directed by “Burnin’ Up” directors The Malloys.
TELL JJJ: Are you excited for the JoBros new album?
Other songs on the new album:
– “World War III” is a funk metaphor for a confrontational relationship. Nick penned the track and shared, “This is a personal experience for me. ‘World War III’ deals with the challenge of a girl who keeps attacking you, provoking you, trying to fight you, but all the while she’s the only one fighting.”
– “Fly With Me” will be featured in Night At The Museum 2, out in theaters May 22. It was written by all three JoBros and their bass player Greg Garbowsky.
– “Poison Ivy,” which was described in Rolling Stone’s summer music preview issue as a “Weezer-ish tune about a toxic girl that you can’t resist.”
– “Hey Baby” is a classic ’she done him wrong’ song written by the musical trio. “We wrote this song for the last record while on the road and felt the old school sound was more cohesive with our present style,” Nick said.
Jonas Brothers即將於6月16日星期二,發行他們的新專輯《Lines, Vines and Trying Times》。
- Apr 30 Thu 2009 11:18