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◆Story Behind Jonas Brothers' Duet Song With Miley Cyrus Shared
June 10, 2009 07:07:50 GMT


原文/Original Article:

Nick Jonas of the Jonas Brothers has opened up the story behind the making of "Before the Storm", the band's duet song with Miley Cyrus, to Twist Magazine. "There's two versions of the song basically, one that was written just for our record that we sang originally," he starts his explanation. 

"And then I played it for Miley and we realized that if we just changed the lyrics a bit, we could make it more of our story, kind of share that side of us, and it could be great," the youngest member of the Disney teen band reveals more to Twist Magazine. "So, we did. She came in and she and I sat down at the piano and just worked on lyrics a bit, tweaked it up, and it turned out great!" 

"Before the Storm" is a song set to be listed in Jonas Brothers' new album "Lines, Vines and Trying Times". Part of the song's lyrics is read, "Standing here but you don't see me/I'd give it all for that to change/And I don't want to lose her/Don't want to let her go." 

Beside joining forces with Miley Cyrus, Jonas Brothers are also expected to team up with rapper Common and gospel/rock singer Jonny Lang for the record which will be dropped worldwide on June 16.



Jonas Brothers當中的Nick Jonas與Twist雜誌談論了Befor the Storm這首歌的製作的背後故事,這首歌是與Miley Cyrus一起合唱的新曲。「基本上這首歌一開始有兩個版本,其中一個最初版本是給我們三個錄製時唱的。」他開始解釋道。

「之後我彈了這首歌給Miley聽的時候,我們則想說是否更改一些歌詞過後,能夠更符合我們之間的故事,這其實有點像分享我們之間的故事,我們也希望這是個好題材。」Jonas Brothers中最年輕的成原告訴Twist雜誌。「因此我們就這麼決定,我們在鋼琴前一起坐下來,並修改了一些歌詞,好好揣摩後,它便成了現在的樣子!」

<Before the Storm>這首歌將會收錄在Jonas Brothers的最新專輯《Lines, Vines and Trying Times》裡,其中的一段歌詞為:「我站在這裡,而你卻沒看見我,我願意付出所有來改變這一切,我真的不願意失去她,更不願意讓他離我而去。」

除了與Miley Cyrus合唱的這首曲子外,JB與rap歌手Common和福音歌手Jonny Lang的合作也是值得期待的,這張專輯將於6月16日發行。


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