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◆Jonas Brothers: Nick Jonas talks Miley, Obama, and his favorite new band
Jun 24, 2009, 06:00 PM | by Tanner Stransky
原文/Original Article:
The Jonas Brothers are back! They never went away, you say? Fair. But more specifically, they are back on top -- of the music sales charts, at least, with their latest release, Lines, Vines, and Trying Times, which hit shelves a week ago. The band also just launched their latest tour last Saturday in Dallas (with a surprise visit from Miley Cyrus, but more on that in a bit).
In between tour dates and promoting their album, I managed to spend a few minutes on the phone with the brains behind the operation, youngest brother Nick Jonas, and here's what he had to say about everything from his favorite song of the summer to his reaction after meeting President Barack Obama.
On having a No. 1 album twice:
"I think to have a No. 1 album is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. But to have it happen twice is just truly amazing, and we're so thankful to the people who went out and got it. The fans make it possible."
On his favorite new band, Honor Society, which is going on tour with the Jonas Brothers this summer:
"The thing that really got me about them is that not only are they a pop-rock band, but they also have some R&B vocal stylings. The lead singer, Mike Bruno, has got some of the same influences as me -- Stevie Wonder and Prince. They're trying to infuse those sounds into rock music, as well."
On recently meeting President Barack Obama:
"You know, it was fairly brief. He said hello and thanks for playing for his daughters. I said it was a pleasure to meet him, he said, 'You, too,' and then we took a photo and that was it. But it was really cool to meet him."
On the recent dust-up between will.i.am and Perez Hilton at the Much Music Video Awards:
"We weren't around when it happened. We actually went back to the hotel and went to bed and woke up and saw some of what happened. But it's an unfortunate incident. And I think that hopefully they'll both work it out."
On convincing ladyfriend Miley Cyrus to appear onstage at last Saturday's tour kick-off to sing the duet "Before the Storm":
"That song means a lot to both of us and to have the opportunity to play it live was great. It just came about. We were both excited about doing it."
On his summer Must List:
"As far as music goes, there's a band I liked a couple of years ago that I just recently rediscovered. I guess you can call it taking it off the shelf, kind of dusting it off. It's a Boston-based band called Damone -- kind of power-pop meets metal. It's pretty good. There is a girl lead singer backed up by like five guys. It's a really cool sound. I listened to it the other day again and just fell right back in love with it. There's one particular song called "You're the One," and it's fantastic."
On the track from Lines, Vines, and Trying Times you should be listening to:
"A song called 'Much Better.' It's got some buzz because its about something personal that we wrote about. It's a great song, and I think it's a prime example of one of those times when we were able to take something going on in our lives, write about it, and kind of infuse the Neil Diamond sound that we were talking about for this record. It's got the horns on it, and it's got a great, kind of feel-good vibe to it. If you listen to the song you get a pretty clear picture of what it's about, but that's kind of where I'll leave it I guess."
Jonas Brothers回來了,你可能會說他們其實從沒離開過。我同意!但最重要的是,他們以銷售冠軍榜回來了!在最新的排行榜公佈名單,他們的上禮拜發行的最新專輯《Lines, Vines, and Trying Times》空降銷售榜冠軍。他們也才剛於上禮拜六於達拉斯展開巡迴演唱(同時Miley Cyrus也到場獻聲)。
◆關於最喜歡的團體,Honor Society,也是與JB一起巡迴演唱的團體
他們吸引我的原因不僅是他們的流行搖滾,同時還包刮他們的R&B曲風。主唱Mike Bruno也跟我一樣,受到許多歌手的影響,像是Stevie Wonder和Prince,另外,他們也嘗試在他們得搖滾裡做一些改變。
◆關於最近在Much Music音樂錄影帶大獎上will.i.am和Perez Hilton之間的衝突
◆關於好友Miley Cyrus上禮拜六出席巡迴演唱會一起演唱Before The Storm
隨著音樂的創作,我一直喜歡這個團體好幾年了,在最近我又重新找回他們的音樂,我想可以說是重新回到樂壇,造成一些轟動,是來自波斯頓,叫做Damone的樂團,曲風像是有點流行搭上了些金屬,以五個男性搭配一位主唱女性,他們的聲音真的很棒。我再一次又聽到他們的歌時,就深深的喜歡這支樂團。他們有一首很棒的歌叫做You're the One。
◆關於《Lines, Vines, and Trying Times》專輯,哪首歌必聽
<Much Better>,因為這是我們依據個人經驗寫的歌,是首很棒的歌。我認為這可以當作一個敘說我們生活當中發生什麼事的顯著例子。我們也試著要加入一些Neil Diamond,如我們談論過關於這張專輯的歌曲元素。加上管樂和電琴的配樂,如果你仔細的聽這首歌,你會有個美好的畫面在腦中,我想那就是我試著要想留下來的畫面。
- Jun 26 Fri 2009 23:32