
轉載註明:§Jonas Brothers強納斯兄弟§

◆Jonas Brothers bring power pop



Anyone still confounded by the explosive popularity of the Jonas Brothers clearly isn't listening. At least not with the avidity of a certain kind of teenage girl or grown woman who once swooned over Hanson, 'N Sync, Rick Springfield, Frankie Avalon - insert your own era's heartthrob here.

On their smart little rocker of a third album, "A Little Bit Longer," out this week, Nick, Joe, and Kevin Jonas offer up the ideal, non-threatening fantasy boyfriend for our macho rock and hip-hop times.

Even as they get older and more famous - and linked with this or that Disney Channel star - these are not young men flexing their muscles of dominance. On "Longer," when they're not confessing to becoming crazed puddles of goo when confronted by the girl of their dreams ("Got Me Going Crazy"), they're pledging loyalty ("BB Good") or begging for forgiveness ("Sorry"). And if forgiveness isn't granted, well, it's just as well since whichever brother happens to be singing didn't deserve that love, anyway ("Can't Have You."). For women, what's not to love?

Luckily, the New Jersey trio also continues to bolster its puppy-love perspective with an increasingly substantial brand of power pop that grows more palatable to the general population with each release. As astute students of their genre, the brothers make sure the uptempo tunes move at a brisk pace. They pause only long enough to establish melody, hook, economical riffage, and basic plot, which generally runs along the lines of "girl, I need/want/dig you."

The best of the batch crib cannily from forebears as surprising as Prince (the chastely erotic howls of "BB Good") and the Smashing Pumpkins (check out the Billy Corgan rat-in-a-cage teenage rage of "One Man Show"). The more obvious influences: the Maroon 5 lite funk of "Burnin' Up"; the intriguingly acerbic "Video Girl" has Fountains of Wayne cheek; and the general Cheap Trick-iness of everything else. (Considering that the Jonas Brothers are the ones making the girls scream these days, these particular progenitors might want to think about ditching the classic-rock circuit for a few dates to hook up with these upstarts to freshen up their audience.)

No matter how much heaving enunciation is put into them, the ballads become increasingly less successful because all that sensitivity starts to read as wimpy when you replace slash-and-burn guitars with pianos and cellos. And the weird stab at pairing soul and angst rock - the George Michael-meets-Daughtry "Can't Have You" - is oddly discomfiting.

But "Longer" is a real milestone for the Jonas boys as they cross over from Radio Disney to Top 40. There is plenty on this third album that any honest pop music fan over age 30 (and of either gender) could appreciate, guilt-free.


  任何人可能都會對Jonas Brothers突如其來的魅力驚艷到,然而,Jonas Brothers並不是像幾年前青少女或有些年紀的婦人所喜愛的Hanson,'N Sync,Rick Springfield和Frankie Avalon;Jonas Brothers則是直接撼動大家心裡的搖滾元素,寫自己的音樂,被大家支持著。

  他們精心製作的第三張專輯《A Little Bit Longer》,也在這個禮拜發行了。在這個Rock以及嘻哈盛行的時代,三人對音樂的貢獻,著實令人無法抗拒。

  即使當他們的音樂趨於成熟、知名度日益提升,以及與其他迪士尼藝人合作後,他們仍謙虛致力於這張全新的專輯。《A Little Bit Longer》中也收錄了許多好歌;<Got Me Going Crazy>想要表達的是「當他們遇見他們的夢中情人,卻又怕身陷愛情泥沼而精神發狂。」;<BB Good>則是有「宣示對彼此忠誠不愉的愛」;<Sorry>則為「誠心懇求對方原諒的告解」;若是你覺得這曲sorry不能被完全諒解,那麼<Can't Have You>這首「註定不能得到摯愛」的感人曲絕對能徹底感動你!


  這張最新的大碟其實是受了許多線上藝人的影響,而產生靈感。EX:BB Good (from Prince);One Man Show (Smashing Punpkins)。更明顯的像是就有點魔力紅的funk色彩……

  ……《A Little Bit Longer》對Jonas Brothers來說不僅是從adio Disney到Top 40熱賣的里程碑,更是讓他們想傳達給世人音樂的希望進一步讓各個年齡層接受及喜愛(據調查超過30的男女都有)。

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