轉載註明:§Jonas Brothers強納斯兄弟§
◆Behind the Scenes: Jonas Brothers 3D Movie (photos)
Here are some candid photos from the set of the upcoming Jonas Brothers 3D film that is filming in New York City. The movie is still without a true title, but I believe the title might be “J.O.N.A.S!” In the pics you will notice that Kevin Jonas is in character as a hot dog vendor. Nick Jonas has the reigns of a horse and buggy and Joe Jonas plays the role of a NYPD cop.
If you look even closer at some of the photos below you will see Nick serving country music star Taylor Swift a weiner from his hot dog stand. Swift has a small cameo in the film. Joe looks like he is straight up out of a Beastie Boys video.
以下是Jonas Brothers即將在紐約登場的3D電影演唱會照片;這場演唱會到現在依然還沒有正確的名字,但據相信將會是「J.O.N.A.S !」。再找片裡,你會看見Kevin裝扮成熱狗小販;Nick則是駕著輕便馬車;Joe成了紐約市的警察!
再看仔細一點,你會發現Taylor Swift出現在hot dog攤,沒錯!Taylor Swift這鄉村歌手也將出席客串演出。
enjoy :D