◆The Jonas Brothers Hit Yankees Stadium
資料來源:[Just Jared]

Check out these exclusive shots of the Jonas Brothers at New York City’s Yankee Stadium on Sunday afternoon. And yes, the Bonus Jonas (younger brother Frankie) was there too!
While Kevin, Joe and Nick couldn’t reveal what song they’ll be performing at the VMAs next month, they did say the song would be their new single. Hopefully it’s “BB Good”!!!!!
The boys were also excited to talk to Buzznet about their VMA nomination for Video of the Year. When asked who should win for Video of the Year (other than themselves), Kevin quickly replied, “Chris Brown’s ‘Forever’ …or Britney’s ‘Piece of Me’. She seems to be having a really great comeback and that’s awesome!”
For the full gallery of pictures of the Jonas Brothers at Yankee Stadium, click here! You can also check out the video of the JoBros meeting their favorite player Derek Jeter.
Jonas Brothers真是閒不得,星期日下午他們與bonus Jonas,Frankie,一起去看洋基隊的比賽。
到目前為止,Jonas Brothers依然還沒透露下個月他們在VMAs要表演的歌曲,他們說可能不會是最新的單曲「Burnin' Up」;希望這首歌會是大家所愛的「BB Good」!!
當受到Buzznet的訪問被問到除了他們之外,其他被提名可能會是誰贏得獎項時,Kenin說道:「應該會是Chris Brown的Forever或是Britney的Piece of Me吧!」
另外,在這次到洋基賽場時,他們也遇到他最喜歡的隊員,Derek Jeter。
Jonas Brothers真是閒不得,星期日下午他們與bonus Jonas,Frankie,一起去看洋基隊的比賽。
到目前為止,Jonas Brothers依然還沒透露下個月他們在VMAs要表演的歌曲,他們說可能不會是最新的單曲「Burnin' Up」;希望這首歌會是大家所愛的「BB Good」!!
當受到Buzznet的訪問被問到除了他們之外,其他被提名可能會是誰贏得獎項時,Kenin說道:「應該會是Chris Brown的Forever或是BritneyPiece of Me吧!」
另外,在這次到洋基賽場時,他們也遇到他最喜歡的隊員,Derek Jeter。