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◆Jonas Brothers and Tokio Hotel's Picture Perfect
October 15, 2008 04:59:42 GMT
Young and famous are the two things that U.S. band Jonas Brothers and German band Tokio Hotel have in common, aside from the various accolades they've won which earn them praise from their dedicated fans. Attempting for career expansion in a bid to win people's hearts to be the first best, both bands are about to cross each other's country.
Nevertheless, the competition is fair as both bands had been spotted getting friendly during this year MTV Video Music Awards, held in L.A. on September 7, where they were nominated for the same category, Best Pop Video. Putting aside their many yet unique differences, all bands' members struck poses for the camera, standing side by side and having each other's back when they met shortly before the awards show in New York.
Considered as America's nowadays greatest pop band, Jonas Brothers were first established in 2005. All the boys, Kevin Jonas, Joe Jonas and Nick Jonas are biological siblings. They were first catapulted to international stardom with their hit single "Year 3000" (2006). Having a successful music career, they currently are invading the small screen, starring in Disney's highly anticipated "J.O.N.A.S!" Taking into account their many accomplishments, earning prestigious awards like the Teen Choice Award and Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Award thus isn't something new for the threesome. Attempting for career expansion, the boys have been taking their promotional tour, aimed to boost the sales of their latest album "A Little Bit Longer," to Madrid, Spain earlier this month.
Of rock genre, Tokio Hotel is a huge band in German where they were first formed back in 2001. Consisting of twin brothers Bill Kaulitz and Tom Kaulitz, the band's formation also is built by Georg Listing and Gustav Schafer. The guys have a very strong fan base in the country and already sold millions of album. Talking about accolades, they have scored a number of award nominations as well as winnings. Their last award winning of the 2008 MTV Video Music Award for the category of Best New Artist for their single "Ready, Set, Go!" which is the English version of "Ubers Ende der Welt", the second single off their second album titled "Zimmer 483", proves they also have the hearts of people in the U.S.
◆Jonas Brothers與Tokio Hotel一同拍照
美國的Jonas Brothers和德國的Tokio Hotel同是年輕和廣受大眾喜愛的團體,且擁有各自地方粉絲們的的死忠支持。為了擴展他們的演唱事業,雙方都往外發展,Jonas Brothers火熱引爆歐洲,Tokio Hotel則以搖滾節奏的爆發力襲捲美國。
他們在今年九月七日洛杉磯舉行的MTV錄影帶大獎當中,共同被提名同一個獎項「Best Pop Video」,在典禮開始前,那是他們的第一次見面,撇開他們有許多不一樣的特色,所有的成員站在一起,肩並著肩,一起拍了一些照片。
全美當今最紅的青少年流行團體,Jonas Brothers,在2005年由Kevin、Joe和Nick三位親兄弟組合成立;使他們成名的單曲是在2006年發行的「Year3000」,成功的在音樂這方面奪得許多佳績後,他們即將在電視上與大家見面,目前正在拍攝的個人電視影集「J.O.N.A.S.」已經造成許多青少女們紛紛討論的話題。今年,他們獲得許多獎項,像是青少年兒童票選大獎(TCA)及Nickelodeon兒童大獎,等等。為了進一步的宣傳他們的新專輯《A Little Bit Longer》,他們也踏上他們在歐洲的宣傳之旅,從這個月初,在西班牙馬德里開始。
另外一支紅遍德國的樂團,Tokio Hotel,則是在2001年組團進入演唱生涯,團員由雙胞胎兄弟Bill和Tom Kaulitz,以及Georg Listing和Gustav Schafe。他們在家鄉有著龐大的粉絲團,到目前為止已經賣出超過百萬張專輯。獲獎部分,他們也有過數次被提名獎項紀錄以及成功拿了許多大獎,他們最新奪得的大獎是08年MTV錄影帶大獎中,以他們的「Ready, Set, Go!」單曲(Ubers Ende der Welt的英文版)奪下「Best New Artist 」;他們的第二支單曲來自他們的第二張專輯「Zimmer 483/483號房」,證明了他們在美國也已經擁有了與他們產生共鳴的聽眾。
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