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◆Jonas Brothers Hope To Work With Chris Brown — When Their Schedules Allow

Published by MTV News on Wednesday, October 15, 2008 at 3:35 pm.
By Jocelyn Vena



It’s been a super-busy year for the Jonas Brothers, who have been making music, working on a Disney Channel show and wrapping up their 3-D movie, set for release next year.

“This past year has gotten busier,” Joe Jonas said. “But it’s been more fun.”

They’ve also shared their love of a variety of music with everyone. We’ve heard them speak a lot about their love of the Beatles and Johnny Cash, and now we have a couple of more bands to add to the mix. “The Zutons are a major inspiration,” Nick said. “And Coldplay, of course.” Joe agreed: “We’ve always been big Coldplay fans.”

And we’ve learned throughout the year that the Jonas Brothers are no strangers to collaborating. This past summer alone, they wrote and produced songs for Demi Lovato. They also had Joe’s ex-girlfriend, Taylor Swift, join them onstage when they played at Madison Square Garden in August. And let’s not forget their loyal bodyguard Big Rob, who raps on their hit “Burnin’ Up.”

But the boys are ready to add another teen dream to the mix — and perhaps even gain some cred in the urban market. The brothers said they’d jump at the chance to work with Chris Brown, who is also no stranger to collaborating with other artists. “I think we want to write something, and both our schedules are kind of crazy,” Joe told MTV International. “When we have time and he has time, we’ll write together and see if we can record a song.”

So, Chris, take some time out of your busy schedule to hang out with the Jonas Brothers. We’re sure your fans will thank you for it!


◆Jonas Brothers希望能與Chris Brown合作

  今年可以說是Jonas Brothers最忙碌的一年,除了拍攝新MV、迪士尼的個人電視劇還有為明年的3D演唱會做準備。Joe說道:「這年可以說是最忙的一年,但是我們還是在中得到許多樂趣。」

  儘管如此的忙碌,他們還是抽空出來與我們分享他們對音樂的熱情和喜愛。我們可以聽見他們論及了許多關於他們對Beatles的看法與支持,另外Johnny Cash,則是他們最近剛加入的許多新元素靈感。Nick說:「The Zutons是我們主要的靈感來源,當然還有Coldplay(酷玩樂團)的影響!」Joe也贊同的說:「我們是Coldplay的忠實歌迷。」

  經過這一年,我們也知道Jonas Brothers已經對合作不再陌生;今年夏天,他們與Demi Lovato一起寫歌及錄製歌曲;今年八月在Madison Square Garden與被傳出已與Joe分手的緋聞女友Taylor Swift一起同台演出,另外,還有與他們的忠實保鏢Big Rob一起錄製的超紅單曲「Burnin’ Up」。

  他們已經準備好在與新的青少年明星合作,只要等他們獲得許可的情況下。JB透露:「他們希望能夠與曾跟許多藝人合作過的Chris Brown(克里斯小子)有一起創作的機會。」Joe進一步的告訴MTV說:「我們想與他一起創作些詞曲,但是我們的行程滿檔,卻很難找出一個我們都有空的時間,若是當我們的時間都沒有衝突的時候,我們會請他與我們一起創作,或是一起錄製歌曲。」

  所以,Chris Brown,趕緊從那繁忙的行程中挪出一些時間來與Jonas Brothers創作吧,相信你的粉絲也會很開心的!


※另外,這是日前JJ訪問Chris Brown的消息,點

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