
※轉載請註明:§Jonas Brothers強納斯兄弟§

◆Jonas Brothers Talk Shoes, Monogamy, and Marriage



Jonas Brothers are all interviewed by Times Online's Chrissy Iley who asks the threesome everything from shoes to monogamy and marriage. Kevin Jonas, Joe Jonas, and Nick Jonas also open up about their celibacy vows and also the ideal girls in their mind.

Joe is a shoe lover and claims Burberry as one of his favorites brands. "Well, I love shoes. I was wearing these really great pink shoes when we played at the White House the first time," he recalls. "We met the president. We were ready to shake his hand. Instead he gives us a high-five and said he liked my shoes, the pink shoes, so I sent him a pair. I haven't seen him out with them yet, you know. But they're really cool shoes."

Oldest brother Kevin then answers a more personal question which is about the purity rings that they wear, saying "I prefer not to talk about the purity rings if that's all right." But he then explains, "It was a personal decision each of us made a long time ago. It means to try and live a life of values, whether that means yourself or others."

Relating that matter to the issue of monogamy, Kevin tells Chrissy his opinion, saying "I think you need to be faithful to who you are with, absolutely. But if that relationship is no longer intact, I'd say you can go and date somebody else. Cheating is not good, you know." He furthermore also states that he, Joe and Nick are all single, reasoning "We travel a lot. We try to date as much as we can but you know it's a little difficult when we're traveling." However, they never feel lonely as they "have great friends" and "just try to be as good guys as we can be."

Younger brother Nick answers the marriage question, telling Chrissy, "We talk about this a lot, even though I'm only 16. Marriage is something that's going to happen, but not in the near future. Music is important, but family has to be the most important. I think we would take a little while off if we would start a family. When Joe and I lie in our bed and we can't fall asleep because of all the time changes, that's exactly the kind of thing we talk about."

For the full interview of Jonas Brothers, people can read it on Times Online.


◆Jonas Brothers談論他們的鞋子,喜歡的女孩,以及婚姻

  Jonas Brothers最近被Times Online's Chrissy Iley採訪時,問了他們許多事情,從鞋子的喜好到婚姻,Kevin、Joe和Nick也都完全公開他們的想法以及他們心目中理想的女性。




  若想要看完整的訪問內容,大家可以到Times Online去檢閱,點

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