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◆Video: Jonas Brothers 'So Honored' With Best New Artist Grammy Nomination
December 04, 2008 09:52:21 GMT



"Jonas Brothers told MTV News they are "honored" with the Best New Artist Grammy nomination that they have just earned. 

"Grateful" for their Best New Artist Grammy nomination, Jonas Brothers said they are "honored" with it. Sharing their feelings with MTV News at the Nokia Theatre in downtown Los Angeles, moments after they were mentioned as one of the coveted awards' nominees, the threesome was seen all smiling. 

"When you start in a band as an artist you say, 'One day, I'll be nominated for a Grammy.' It happened, and we're just so honored," Nick Jonas was quoted as saying. He then quickly added, "As young guys, we know that this is a privilege, and we do appreciate that." 

In tone with Nick, the eldest of the brothers Kevin Jonas gushed, "The air just kind of leaves your lungs. It was kind of awesome!" Nick continued saying, "It was kind of a sigh of relief along with immediate excitement. We didn't know what to think! And Kevin got up from his seat and did ... " Kevin interrupted, "The big fist pump!". 

Jonas Brothers vie for Best New Artist Grammy with the likes of Adele, Duffy, Lady Antebellum, and Jazmine Sullivan. They are recognized for their album "A Little Bit Longer." 

Celebrating their Grammy nomination, Joe Jonas told MTV News he and his brothers are "[just going] home with the family to have some dinner. Just celebrate!" Jonas Brothers' video interview with MTV News can be watched in the footage after the jump. 

Winners of 2009 Annual Grammy Awards will be announced at a ceremony held on February 8, 2009, at STAPLES Center in Los Angeles. It will be broadcast live in high definition TV and 5.1 surround sound on CBS from 8 - 11:30 P.M. (ET/PT). Performers as well as presenters for the the 51st annual show are expected to be announced soon.


◆Jonas Brothers很榮幸被提名葛萊美獎Best New Artist

在被葛萊美提名大家夢寐以求的獎項之後,Jonas Brothers三位帶著微笑,感謝葛萊美獎的題名,並在洛杉磯的Nokia戲院裡,告訴MTV news他們「很榮幸」被葛萊美獎提名為Best New Artist,這是他們從未有過的經驗。



Jonas Brothers的《A Little Bit Longer》將與Adele、Duffy、Lady Antebellum和Jazmine Sullivan一起競爭Best New Artist。

慶祝他們的葛萊美提名,Joe也告訴MTV news說:「他跟他的兄弟將回家與他們的家人一起共進晚餐,為了慶祝這項榮耀!」Jonas Brothers與MTV News的訪問影片在下方。

2009年的葛萊美獎頒獎典禮,將在2009年的2月8日的洛杉磯的STAPLES中心舉行, 8:10到11:30,將會由CBS現場實況轉播。另外第51屆葛萊美獎的表演歌手以及頒獎者即將就會宣佈。


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